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The white fur is camouflage so there could have been different colored polar bears that were hunted out by an extinct predator?

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Q: How could white fur in polar bears be evolved by natural selection?
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It's about Charles Darwin's journey and discoveries on The Beagle. Also, Darwin believed all species had the same ancestor and evolved from them. There are 2 purposes: to 1. To explaining what natural selection is and how it could produce new species and2. Respond to objections that those who do not agree with natural selection might have

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Only natural selection could be the answer here as natural selection is the main driver of adaptive change leading to evolutionary change and speciation in large populations.

Why did Darwin believe organisims evolved using natural selection instead of required traits?

One of the strongest reasons he had for thinking natural selection was the driving force of evolution in fact he started his book with this concept, was artificial selection. Breeders had long know that traits were heritable and they could select for the traits they wanted by just mating the favored organisms. From this example Darwin knew that acquired traits were neither heritable or selectable.

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How natural selection might have led to flying bats?

Animals that may have glided as in flying squirrels, used this for escaping predators. the primitive bat could have evolved into the modern bat today. Obviously the animals with better survival workings get the girl.

How is natural variations used in artificial selection?

Natural variation in artificial selection is used because humans choose from among the naturally occurring variation s in species. Natural selection is related to species fitness because Darwin called natural selection survival of the fittest because those that could survive would carry their species on there for being the naturally selected.

Who is the founder and co-founder of Darwin's theory natural selection?

Charles Darwin is the founder, or creator, of the theory of natural selection. The co-founder could be considered Alfred Russel Wallace.

How do scientists respond to the intelligent design movement?

Most scientists reject it out-of-hand as disguised Creationism.The main premise of Intelligent Design is that there are some anatomical structures which cannot have developed by Natural Selection.Scientists in the field usually respond by explaining that there are no such features and what is described as 'Irreducibly Complex' could have evolved by natural selection.

What was the difference of Lanmark and Darwin's theory of evolution?

Darwin believed that organisms evolved due to natural selection. Whereas Lanmark suggested that the characteristics acquired during an organisms life i.e. academic ability, could be passed to the next generation.