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Q: Why is a volcanic eruption predictable than an earthquake?
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Why is volcanic eruption more predictable than an earthquake?

because it is

Is an earthquake more powerful than a volcanic eruption or the other way around?


Why is it easier for people to keep safe from a volcanic eruption than from earthquake?

because an earquake can strike anywhere at any tme whereas you know where a volcanoe is(.)

Why is it easier for people to keep safe from volcanic eruption than from an earthquake?

I doubt that either can be considered "easier to be safe from" than the other, it depends entirely on the magnitude of the event (i.e. amount of energy released).

When was the worst volcanic eruption in the US?

The worst volcanic eruption in U.S. history was the eruption of Mount St. Helens that occurred on May 18, 1980. It killed 57 people and caused more than $1 billion in damage.

What do lava flows made of pahoehoe and AA indicate about the type of volcanic eruption that occured?

They indicate that an eruption is effusive rather than explosive.

What do lava flows made of pahoehoe and AA indicate about the type of volcanic eruption the occured?

They indicate that an eruption is effusive rather than explosive.

What does flank mean in a volcano?

a volcanic eruption that takes place on the sides rather than the summit

What is the cause of earthquakes in volcanic regions?

Earthquakes are like a rubber band. They both have limits. If you strech a rubber band the farthest it can, it will eventually meet it's elastic limit or the point where it can strech its farthest. If you go any farther than its elastic limit the rubber band will break. This is an example of how earthquakes are formed.I'm not sure if a volcano can cause earthquake or an earthquake can cause an volcanic eruption or both. But earthquakes can cause volcanoes to erupt. There are many kinds of earthquakes some are big and destructive but most of them are small that we can't even feel. Small earthquakes are important now and then because if they don't happen often the stress and force build up and create a big earthquake. One cause of earthquake causes in volcanic regions can probably be the shaking of an earthquake can cause an eruption. Or the shaking ofa volcano can cause an earthquake.

When do volcanic earthquakes occur?

An earthquake can be caused in two different ways, there is a volcanic earthquake and a tectonic earthquake. Tectonics earthquakes are much more common than volcanic earthquakes. Volcanic earthquakes are when magma, or molten rock, moves underground. This can cause earthquake directly in what is called a harmonic tremor, or indirectly by breaking and shifting rock. A tectonic earthquake is when stress built up by the movement of Earth's tectonic plates is released in the form of shaking.

Do tsunamis cause more deaths than volcanic eruptions?

yes because tsunami can grow bigger than a volcano eruption

Why are tectonic and volcanic earthquake more destructive than earthquakes caused by landslides?

Barrels are somehow involved.