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Because the bottom part of the flame is normally blue, and as it rises throughout the flame it changes its color to yellow. They call this the dirty flame because the original color is blue, and has become 'dirty' and changed to yellow.

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Q: Why is a yellow flame called a dirty flame?
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Why is a yellow flame called dirty flame?

Tends to deposit black unburned carbon residues derived from the gas etc.

What is a name for the blue flame?

it is called a clean flame as it produces no soot and carbon minoxcide unlike the yellow/dirty flame.

What is the functions of air hole?

The function of the Bunsen burner air hole is to adjust the flame from a luminious flame to a non-luminious flame.So that you can choose if you want a dirty flame {yellow} or hot flame {{blue}}. The yellow flame is generally called dirty because of the amount of carbon it produces and it causes soot when it is heating something.For more information about busen burner,You can add Ruoyu Wang at facebook.He is a expert of this.

What kind of flame is a yellow flame called?

A yellow flame is named as a safety flame as it isn't as hot as the blue flame

What is the blue flame called of a Bunsen burner?

The blue flame is called a roaring flame and the yellow flame is called the safety flame.

Why can't you heat an object with the safety flame on a Bunsen burner?

Because it is 'dirty', meaning it leaves soot. Also because it isn't that hot.

Why is a blue flame called a clean flame?

A blue flame is call "clean" because it does not contain soot as a yellow flame does.

Why is yellow flame called a safety flame?

Because it is cooler and more visible than a blue flame, making it safer.

Is the blue or yellow flame noisier on a Bunsen burner?

The Blue Flame Will Be Noisier. The Yellow Flame Is Called A Safety Flame Because Everyone can See it. There Are Two Blue Flames: Medium Roaring The Roaring Flame Has A Blue Cone In The Middle Of The Flame And It Is The Hottest. It Also Has More Oxygen. But Overall, The Blue Flames Will Be Noisier Than The Yellow Flame.

Is the blue flame hotter than yellow flames?

A blue flame is hotter than a yellow flame because a blue flame has more oxygen, so it has more energy to create extra heat. Therefore, a blue flame is more dangerous and a yellow flame is used in laboratories. The hottest part of the blue flame is right under the middle, this part is called the crown !!

What is the yellow flame on a Bunsen burner used for?

It indicates that the air hole is closed. The yellow flame is also called the luminous flame and the safety flame. It is luminous due to small soot particles in the flame which are heated to incandescence. The yellow flame is considered "dirty" because it leaves a layer of carbon on whatever it is heating.It is considered safe as it is more visible than the near invisible and hot non-luminous flame (it can be obtained by half opening the air hole) as people would not mistake it as switched off and touch it. It is usually not used for heating as it's not as hot as the non-luminous flame(also called the blue flame). The blue flame is hotter as it produces more heat energy than light energy, comparing it to the yellow flame, which produces more light energy than heat energy.

What is another name for the safety flame?

A Safety Flame Is The Yellowy Orange Flame. It Is Called A Safety Flame Because You Can See It Unlike The Blue Flame