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An electromagnet is made by wrapping coiled wire around a piece of metal. When a current is applied, it creates a magetic field. The main advantage is that an electromagnet can be turned off by breaking the circuit. That's how those big magnet cranes at junkyards can let go of the metal. You can easily make a fun electromagnet project that kids love. Just coil a wire around a bolt, and hook up the ends to both sides of a battery. A 6 volt flashlight battery works great. More coils means a stronger magnet.

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Q: Why is an electro magnet better than a normal magnet?
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Why would a bar magnet pick up more paper clips than an eletromagnet?

?? lol i dont know what electro magnets u have been using! if it is a homemade electro magnet, try increasing the coils in the wire ro the power u are putting into it. does the bar magnet (permanent magnet) have a larger surface area than the electro one? also, you do know that the magnetic potential of electro and permanent magnets vary right? they use electro magnets in junk yards that are capable of lifting scrap cars with eaaase

Can a magnet delete everything on a computer by just putting it on the outside?

No. A magnet only interfers with magnetic fields ... lots of old IBMs used magnetic memory cards and that's where the stories started. It might erase a floppy disk, but an electro-magnet does the job much better than a perminant magnet.

What are the benefits of using an electromagnet rather than a bar manet?

An electro-magnet can be switched on & off - a bar magnet is 'permanent' Think of a scrap-yard. If the magnet they use to pick up huge quantities of metal were permanent, they'd have to manually remove every piece. With an electro-magnet, they simply turn the power on to pick up a load, and off when they want to release it. You can make your own electro-magnet with a battery, some wire and a large nail.

What is the difference from a gifted student than a magnet student?

Gifted is better than magnet

Iron better than steel in electro magnets?

Yes, they are.

Can electro magnet magnetize and demagnetize soft iron?

Yes, they can magnetise soft iron. Not sure about demagnetising though. I assume that if more than one or two were placed around the soft magnet, it could demagnetise it.. However, the soft iron would need to be 'hit' so that the poles in the iron can allign with the magnetic fields due to the electro magnet.

Is a electro magnet stronger than a normal magnet?

it depends on how strong the electromagnet is. you basically choose how powerful to make an electromagnet when your designing one. one used for picking up cars at a junk yard is gonna be more powerful than one used in a kitchen appliance. and "normal magnet's" is not a good term for all other types of magnets. there are lots of different types of materials that can be magnetized, all of them are stronger or weaker then the others, all of them can also be made to different strengths, and all of them lose strength over time. the usefulness of an electromagnet is that they can be turned on and off depending on whether or not they have electricity running through them.

Why is hydroelectricity better than normal electricity?

hydro electricity is better than normal electricity because it is cheaper.

What gives earth it's magnetic field?

in 1872 3 scientists dug to the earths core and implanted an electro magnet more powerful than an atomic bomb. The government kept all this secret so that no one could disrupt the magnet's current.

What gives earth its magnetic force field?

in 1872 3 scientists dug to the earths core and implanted an electro magnet more powerful than an atomic bomb. The government kept all this secret so that no one could disrupt the magnet's current.

Can electricity be a stronger than the force of gravity?

No, an electro magnet can be much more forceful than gravity.

Why is a magnet school good?

a magnet school is a school in which talented students are selected. The purpose of a magnet school is to attract gifted and talented students toward them. Students experience a better education course than normal public schools. A magnet school is part of public schools but still it is the good one from public schools