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Q: Why is ancient Greek writing important to us today?
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It was a leading city-state in the Greek world. Today it is is interesting as a historical participator in the ancient world.

Which ancient writing system has survived in modified forms until the present?

The Phoenician alphabet was the basis of the Greek and Roman alphabets, and so of today's alphabets.

What was the Phoenician's most important achievement?

Invention of an alphabet and astral navigation.

What were two of the many new writing systems created by the Greeks?

The Greeks created an ancient system known today as Linear B, as well as the Greek Alphabet.

How has ancient greek literature influenced Americans today?

They gave us lots of things like books and stuff like that. They also effected our way we write because they improved their writing system which made our writing system today have lots of improvement on our system. An example of literature from Ancient Greece is The Oddysey by Homer.

How did the ancient egyptians benefit from writing?

In the same way writing benefits us today.

What was writing used for in Ancient Rome?

Writing was used in ancient times for the same reasons it is used today---to communicate to preserve and to educate.

Which factors of ancient Greek culture and civilization do you believe to be the most important ones today?

They have given us aspects of art, arts, architecture and science.

What kinds of ancient Greek paintings are still here today?


How is Perseus viewed today?

As ancient Greek hero who killed Medusa.

Why do you consider writing the most important sumerian invention?

Because without that, the Greeks (or any other ancient civilization) would have never developed any form of writing - which, by the way, was developed from Sumerian writing. Therefore, today, we might've not had any writing, haha.