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ANSWER 1 Anxiety and depression can be more severe in the morning because the body is at a low ebb, although not everyone experiences this effect. The nervous system is also slow to get going in the morning.There are many physical reasons and psychological reasons for this. You also may have low blood sugar in the morning, which can increase anxiety.have a snack during the night if you are awake. Try and have a bright bedroom, and a bright light. ANSWER 2 - Anxiety associated with reactive or situational depression is worse in the evening. As against this anxiety that is associated with endogenous depression is worse in morning. This is due to diurnal variation known to occur in endogenous depression. This fact is used in the differential diagnosis of the two as the treatment of the two differ.

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Q: Why is anxiety worse in the morning if you have anxiety and depression disorder?
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This is not an idiom. It means exactly what the definitions say - something is in a state of disorder that is worse than normal.

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I did.

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