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Because Atomic number is the identity of an element , all the atoms of an element have the same atomic number while their mass numbers ma be different. for Example Argon(Ar) a noble gas and Calcium(Ca) an active metal have the same mass number 40.

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Q: Why is atomic number the proper basis for classification of elements?
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Why was the development of the periodic table important?

It is easier to study the properties of elements, if they are arranged in a proper way as in the periodic table. Elements in a given group have same number of valence electrons and hence generally have similar properties.

What is the merit and demerit of mandeleevs periodic table?

Merits of Periodic Table 1. The classification of elements is based on the atomic number, which is a more fundamental property. 2. The reason for placing isotopes at one place is justified as the classification is on the basis of atomic number. 3. It explains the periodicity of the properties of the elements and relates them to their electronic configurations. 5. The position of the elements that were misfits on the basis of mass number (anomalous pairs like argon and potassium) could be justified on the basis of atomic number. 6. The lanthanides and actinides are placed separately at the bottom of the periodic table. 7. The table is simple, systematic and easy way for remembering the properties of various elements as it is based on the electronic configuration. Demerits are 1. Position of Hydrogen is still in dispute to keep weather in Alkali, Crystallogens ,or Halogen 2. Lanthanides and Actinides are kept away from main body 3. Helium is of s-block still kept in p-block due to noble gas property

What is the definition of classification of noun?

Classification of a noun is the ability to say what kind of noun it is: common, proper, concrete, collective, material, abstract, etc.

Who is responsible for providing contractor proper classification guidence during the performance of the cotract?


Does germanium form ions?

All elements can be ionized under the proper conditions.

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What is the proper of writing symbols of elements?

The first letter is written in capital letter and the second if it has doesn't. Write atomic number in the right inferior side.

Who improved the periodic table?

Many people tried to arrange a proper periodic table but the first periodic table was given by Dimitry Ivanovich Mendeleev. But it was later modified by Henry Mosley in its present form.

How many proper subsets does a set with four elements have?

A set with n elements has 2n subsets. The number of proper subsets is one less, since 2n includes the set itself.

B is a proper subset of C If the cardinal number of C is 8 what is the maximum number of elements in B?

If every element of B is contained in C, then B is a subset of C. If every element of B is contained in C and B is not the same as C, then B is a proper subset of C.The cardinal number of a set is the number of elements in the set.In this case, C has 8 elements, so B has at most 7 elements.

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You can find the number of elements and free elements in a pointer array by iterating through the array and counting the number of elements that are null versus the number that are non-null. Of course, this technique's success depends on proper initialization of each element, i.e. when first created or when deleted, it must be set to null.

What are 2 main divisions of the periodic table?

DEFINITION:The orderly arrangement of elements is called "PERIODIC CLASSIFICATION".INTRODUCTION: When a very large number of elements become known to scientists , it was felt that they must be arranged in a systematic order because a systematic classification provides a clear idea and information about the properties of elements and make it easier to predict the properties of different elements. This classification provides the inter-relationship of scientific facts.Early Attempts at Classification Of Element:In old days, element were arranged in the ascending order of their atomic masses.1.Law of Triads/ DOBEREINER'S TRIADS:In 1829, a German scientist Dobereiner made use of the relationship between atomic masses and properties of elements.Drawback:This rule is not for all the elements.2.NEWLAND'S law of octave:In 1866, a British scientist, Newlands, reported his "law of octave" by arranging elements according to increasing order of their atomic masses. He noticed that "Every eight element, starting form any point, approximately has similar properties".Newland's arrangement was applicable only to a few elements after that it was failed.3.LUTHER MEYER'S CLASSIFICATION:In 1864, a German Chemist Luther Meyer published on incomplete periodic table .He included about 56 elements arranged in a group from I to VIII. He plotted the values of different physical properties and obtained different curves .In these graphs, he observed that element with similar physical properties occupy similar positions in the curveFor example :Alkali metals occupy the peak of the curves.Halogen occur on the ascending portions of the curve.4.MENDELEEV'S PERIODIC TABLE:In 1869, a Russian chemist, Mendeleev, on the basis of physical and chemical properties discovered a relation known as "PERIODIC LAW".According to the law:"The properties of element are the periodic function of their atomic masses".Mendeleev arranged the known elements according to increasing order of their atomic masses because,according to him fundamental property of an element was atomic mass.He further divided and arranged these eight groups into subgroups.Mendeleev's periodic table was very precise and provided the basis of modern periodic classification.Original statement of Mendeleev's periodic law:1.The elements,if arranged according to their atomic weights show an evident periodicity of properties.2.Elements which are similar with regards to their chemical properties have atomic weights which are either nearly the same value or which increase regularly.3.The arrangement of the elements or of groups of elements in the order of their atomic weights,corresponds with their so called valencies.4.The elements which are most widely distributed in nature have small atomic weights and sharply defined properties.They are therefore typical elements.5.The magnitude of the atomic weight determines the character of an element.6.The discovery of many as yet unknown elements may be expected.7.The atomic weight of an element may sometimes be corrected by the aid of a knowledge of those of adjacent elements.8.Certain characteristic properties of the elements can be foretold from their atomic weights.MERITS OF MENDELEEV'S PERIODIC TABLEMendeleev's periodic table offered the following advantages in understanding the properties of elements.1. There was a regular gradation in physical and chemical properties of elements.2. The group number of an element indicates highest oxidation state that it can attain.3. There were many vacant spaces in Mendeleev's periodic table for the elements to be discovered.He named them Eka-Boron, Eka-Aluminium and Eka-silicone He also predicted the properties of these undiscovered elements including atomic masses.These elements were discovered as Sc ,Ga and Ge with same features as he predicted.4. Mendeleev's arrangement helped to correct atomic masses of a number of elements.DEMERITS IN MENDELEEV'S PERIODIC TABLE1. For placing the elements in proper groups,the order of the elements according to atomic mass was reversed in certain cases. He placed Iodine (127) after Tellurium (128) Potassium (39) and Ni (58)after Co (59).Which is against his periodic law but correct according to properties.2. Mendeleev's periodic table does not provide a clear idea about the structure of atom.3. Lanthanide and Actinide have been assigned places in the periodic table which is against the periodic law.4. Alkali metal and coinage metals (Cu,Ag and Au) which differ widely in properties are placed into the same group.5. There is no separate position for isotopes in his periodic table.6. The change in atomic mass of two successive elements is not constant. Hence it is not possible to predict the number of missing elements by knowing the atomic masses of two known elements. DIC TABLE1. For placing the elements in proper groups, the order of the elements according to atomic mass was reversed in certain cases. He placed Iodine (127) after Tellurium (128) Potassium (39) and Ni (58) after Co (59). Which is against his periodic law but correct according to properties.2. Mendeleev's periodic table does not provide a clear idea about the structure of atom.3. have been assigned places in the periodic table which is against the periodic law.4. Alkali metal and coinage metals (Cu, Ag and Au) which differ widely in properties are placed into the same group.5. There is no separate position for isotopes in his periodic table.6. The change in atomic mass of two successive elements is not constant. Hence it is not possible to predict the number of missing elements by knowing the atomic masses of two known elements.DEMERITS IN MENDELEEV'S PERIODIC TABLE1. For placing the elements in proper groups, the order of the elements according to atomic mass was reversed in certain cases. He placed Iodine (127) after Tellurium (128) Potassium (39) and Ni (58) after Co (59). Which is against his periodic law but correct according to properties.2. Mendeleev's periodic table does not provide a clear idea about the structure of atom.3.have been assigned places in the periodic table which is against the periodic law.4. Alkali metal and coinage metals (Cu,Ag and Au) which differ widely in properties are placed into the same group.5. There is no separate position for isotopes in his periodic table.6. The change in atomic mass of two successive elements is not constant. Hence it is not possible to predict the number of missing elements by knowing the atomic masses of two known elements.

What are the finite or infinite sets?

A finite set is one containing a finite number of distinct elements. The elements can be put into a 1-to-1 relationship with a proper subset of counting numbers. An infinite set is one which contains an infinite number of elements.

Why was the development of the periodic table important?

It is easier to study the properties of elements, if they are arranged in a proper way as in the periodic table. Elements in a given group have same number of valence electrons and hence generally have similar properties.

What canot be a proper symbol for an element?

The elements that are newly discovered or are radioactive and found in traces are usually named according to a system of nomenclature based on their atomic nos.Eg. element 243 (if discovered, some day) will be named as biquadtrium (Bqt) which is NOT the proper symbol/name for the element.

Importance of mosley's law and its applications?

Importance of Moseley's law:Arrangement of K, Ar, Ni and CO in Mendeleev's periodic table:Moseley arranged K and Ar, Ni and CO in a proper way in Mendeleev's perodic table.Discovery of new elements:This law was held to the discovery of many new elements like Tc (43), Pr (61), Rh (45).Determination of atomic number of rare earth:The atomic number of rare earth have been determined by this law.

What is the definition of classification of noun?

Classification of a noun is the ability to say what kind of noun it is: common, proper, concrete, collective, material, abstract, etc.

Who is responsible for providing contractors proper classification?

Government Contracting Activity (GCA)