

Why is bedding used in stables?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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16y ago

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To make the horse more comfortable when it lies down, to absorb wetness.

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Q: Why is bedding used in stables?
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How do you lay bedding down on Howrse?

you have to have a groom at your stables and it'll automatically lay down the bedding in the boxes at your equestrian center.

What is horse matting used for?

Horse matting is a flooring used in stables to keep the horse's joints and provide them warmth. This will help the horse from eating its bedding as well as help save time and labor for their caretakers.

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Straw provides a cheap bedding for use in stables and other farm animal housing units.

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What were stables used for?

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Auburn University does have stables but are only open to a select group of people because the stables are used for the equine science program there at the University.

What are stables used for?

to house horses!! =] to house horses!! =]

What type of bedding is used for a baby mole?

Newspaper and paper towels torn up into long shreds as bedding make great bedding for baby moles. You can also the same bedding as used for hamsters and gerbils.

What does master bedding mean?

Master bedding is simply a term used to describe bedding that will be used in a master bedroom. This will typically consist of queen or king size sheets and comforters.

Can a retail store sell used bedding?

Yes various retail stores selling used bedding you can get list of them from internet.

What were barns and stables used for in the middle ages?

Barns where used for the animals and to keep the food there.

What are great names for a stable?

i have come up with a few good names river cottage stables, summer forest stables, country lane stables, old oak stables, forest wood stables, spring flower stables, magic stream stables, i hope it helps.