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Type "O" blood is called the universal donor because an individual with any other blood type can receive it. The the problem is, individuals with Type "O" blood can only receive type "O" blood. This combination makes demand for this blood very high. Individuals with type "O" blood are urged to donate blood as often as possible.

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16y ago

Type O/Rh negative blood were considered universal blood donors. This implied that anyone, regardless of blood type, could receive Type O/Rh negative blood without risking a transfusion reaction.

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14y ago

Blood received in a transfusion must have the same antigens. Type O blood does not have any antigens present were as A, B, and AB do. If you get a transfusion that has different antigens (incompatible blood), the antibodies in your plasma will destroy the donor blood cells. This is called a transfusion reaction, and it occurs immediately when incompatible blood is transfused. A transfusion reaction can be mild or cause a serious illness and even death. If this may occur, an immunosuppressant can be given (in most cases) to save the patient.

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12y ago

Blood Type O blood is able to be used for any blood type such as itself, Type O, Type A, Type B, and Type AB because the antigens present on it's surface are universal and so fit with the other types of blood without being rejected by the body.

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14y ago

because if you donate O blood it can be given to A,B,AB type blood so it really is the universal donor

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Which blood type is theoretically considered the universal donor?

The blood type that is theoretically considered the universal donor is type O. Type O blood does not have any antigens, therefore it is compatible with any blood type.

The blood type that is considered the universal plasma donor is?

Type O

Which person is considered a universal donor?

All blood types, depending on what blood type the person need, a label you as a donor.

Why is type A blood considered the universal donor?

No, AB is a universal recipient, and can only be given to other people with type AB blood. O is a universal donor but can only receive O, A can only receive A and can only be given to A and AB, and B can only receive B and be given to B and AB.

What is a universal donor blood type and how can I find out if I am one?

To find out your blood type you will need to either: A) donate blood and receive a donor's card or B) get a blood typing test.As far as the universal blood type goes type AB positive can donate plasma to any blood type, but O is considered the "universal donor" because it can give red blood cells to any type.

Is blood type o the universal donor?

Yes, type O blood is considered universal because they can donate to all other blood types. It is also the most common blood type. They only can receive blood from another type O person.

What blood type can donate blood to any blood type?

Blood type O- is the one that can be giving to anybody

What blood type is a universal donor and what blood type is a universal receiver?

Blood type O is a universal donor of all blood types but can only receive from blood type O. Blood type AB is the only blood type that is a universal receiver of any blood type, but can only receive from blood type AB.

What is the unversal donor blood type?

Type O negative.

What type of blood can be given to anyone?

O+ :is a universal donor

Which blood type is the universal blood type?

Type O negative blood is a universal donor blood type. In normal circumstances, anyone can receive type O negative blood in a transfusion. When it comes to plasma donation, type AB positive is a universal donor.

What blood type described as the unverisal donor is ab?

Blood type O is the universal donor.