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It's because lactic acid is a mild toxin. Reduced oxygen in the bloodstream causes lactic acid to build up in the body's tissues. This causes muscle cramps which forces you to rest, to give your body time to recover.

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13y ago

Not directly. Lactic acid forms in the muscle's when you respirate anaerobically, therefore a lack of oxygen. Since, when you run, less oxygen than needed is going into the body, you respirate anaerobically therefore lactic acid form is the muscle's, and you get a stitch.

Therefore, I'd say, it doesn't make you run slower. It makes you want to stop, because you're getting less oxygen and you most probably have a stitch.

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Q: Why is build up of lactic acid a problem for athletes?
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It is caused by the build up of lactic acid in the muscles.

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It is caused by the build up of lactic acid in the muscles.

Why athletes experience a burning sensation in their muscles after vigorous exercise?

It is caused by the build up of lactic acid in the muscles.

Why is lactic acid a problem?

The build-up of lactic acid in muscle tissue during strenuous exercise being actually a common cause of muscle cramps. This happens from insufficient oxygen not being able to oxidize lactic acid, which would otherwise get rid of it from muscle. Inosine and Creating supplements also help as preventive remedies to reduce the build-up of lactic acid in muscle

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Lactic Acid.

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== ==

Muscles become sore after the build up of this?

Lactic acid created during a process of "lactic acid fermentation."

Why do athletes experience muscular fatigue less quickly than non athletes?

Athletes produce less lactic acid than non-athletes.

What process causes athletes to experience burning sensation in their muscles?

Lactic acid fermentation

What process causes athletes to experience a burning sensation their muscles?

Lactic acid fermentation

Does gender effect the accumulation of lactic acid?

Research shows that gender has no effect on the accumulation of lactic acid. The build up of lactic acid depends on the intensity or amount of exercise being performed.