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In World War 2, people thought there was going to be a dairy shortage (which is a main source of calcium), so they started to put calcium in the white flour (which was, and still is, something consumed by many people) so that people always got enough calcium in their diet. It has been carried on ever since.

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Q: Why is calcium added to white flour by law?
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Why do flour manufacturers add calcium carbonate to flour?

Because Calcium Carbonate contains a source of calcium it is added to flour. All manufacturers must add calcium into flour by law. This helps our bones and muscles stay healthy.

What three things have to be added to flour to ensure that it contains the right amount required by law?

Most states require flour to contain added vitamins and minerals to replace those lost during milling. The most important of these are iron and the B vitamins, especially thiamin, riboflavin, and niacin.

What vitamin is in milk yogurt and cheese?

Cheese and yoghurt are both dairy - so calcium, some vitamin d and protein. In bread you've got vitamin B complexes, folic acid and carbohydrate. (Vitamins and minerals are usually added to bread and flour by law, rather than occurring naturally in the bread).

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Enriching flour is the process of adding vitamins and minerals (required by law) to flour. As vitamins and minerals are usually 'naturally' occuring, the flour can still be 'organic', so long as the vitamins/minerals are produced by 'organic' means.

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