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It's stating that they are as dumb as a monkey. Like cavemen. Which isn't nice towards anyone.

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Q: Why is calling a black women a gorilla racist?
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this is flat out racist. WHAT THE F**K?!?!?!?!?!

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No. Plus it is a racist statement to say so.

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you my friend are very racist and i dont know what kind of question that is to ask.

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Not to be racist, but apparently the New Zealand women's hockey team is called the Black Sticks.

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cotton bail:$300.00 large farm:$600,000.00 black male slave:$50.00 black women slave:priceless haha im sorry i had to im not racist but that was funny:)

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The genitalia of the Spanish male is famously small which is why their women take black lovers. This could be a contributing factor

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An adult male mountain gorilla has the strength of 34 full grown women!

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They can, but afghan men are very honorable and believe that their wives depict them in terms of how she carries herself. So what are you saying, Black women cannot carry themselves well or be honourable? Sounds like a racist comment to me.

If a white women chooses to go out with a white guy over a black guy is it racist?

Only if the women choose the white guy simply because he is white and not black. If they choose a guy for his personality, looks or anything else whether he is white or black, then that cannot be considered racist.

Is it racist to think that black people are unattractive?

Not necessarily. Often, we all just have our personal preferences. However, it can stem from racism, depending on the context. And whites are apparently not the only ones who feel this way. For instance, considering the number of black men with white women, it is apparent that there are black guys who find black women unattractive too.

Do Russian men like black women?

Yes, Black men like Russian women.