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Since the concentration of carbon dioxide is more in the blood vessels it simply diffuses towards the air in the lungs which has lesser concentration of it.

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Q: Why is carbon dioxide released into the lungs?
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What is the gas that is released by the blood into the lungs?

carbon dioxide

Carbon dioxide is to what as lungs are to lungs?

carbon dioxide

Gas released by body cells via blood to the lungs where it is exhaled?

Carbon Dioxide

Is carbon dioxide released through the head?

Yes, carbon dioxide (CO2) is exhaled from the lungs through the nose or mouth.

How you get carbon dioxide out?

The same hemoglobin molecules that absorb oxygen in the lungs release it to the cells in the capillaries and pick up carbon dioxide from the cells. When the blood returns to the lungs, the hemoglobin releases the carbon dioxide and replaces it with fresh oxygen. The carbon dioxide released by the hemoglobin travels across the membranes in the lungs and is breathe out when we exhale.

What gas is exhaled from the lungs?

carbon dioxide

In what organ of the respiratory system is carbon dioxide released in its gaseous form?

The lungs

The carbon dioxide is carried by the blood back to the alveoli where it is released into the lungs to be what?


What gases are exchanged in the lungs during breathing?

Oxygen and carbon dioxide are the gases exchanged in the lungs during breathing.

How do lungs remove its carbon dioxide?

In lungs alveoli is present where exchange of gases takes place, when blood with carbon dioxide is reached lungs then these alveoli purify by removing carbon dioxide

What do your cells do to get rid of they carbon dioxide they make?

The carbon dioxide diffuses into the plasma portion of the blood and is carried to the heart. From there it is carried to the lungs where it is released when you exhale.

What is the product of humans?

Oxygen is extracted, by the lungs, from the air taken in, and carbon dioxide is released from them. So, there are really two products - oxygen and carbon dioxide.