

Why is christofer drew so hot?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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hes amaZingggggggggggg ! and i wanna go to one of his concertss when are they ? (in miamii )Hah isn't that kinda impossible to answer?but agrreeeing.he iss and hes haawt.he is not normal.he is abnormally hawwt.HAWT.answer you question??love himm.and his personality.Because he's amazing!:DHe's got really good heart,he's really amazing and beautiful person!his music has gained very much fans!Because his songs are really beautiful and of heart!


i say he's hot in a weird way. xD i don't think anyone knows why he's hot, he just is! :D how old is this guy anyway? I've heard he's an jerk. but who knows anymore? his songs are amazing, and they don't sound like they've been enhanced like just about every other song out there today. he plays the Ukulele cute is that? :P i totally agree with the hotness thing anyway. xD<3

Christofer Drew is hot because he is different. He's amazingly talented at writing and performing. he also is incredibly adorbable. Christofer Drew is eighteen. His birthday is February 11, 1991. He is incredibly sexy because his songs come from the heart and they are real...which you don't find a lot in the music industry. He is cute and his songs are cute and he is just this really hot guy with an amazing voice!


He is also in another band called Eatmewhileimhot! which is a Post-Hardcore band, chris does all the screaming in it. If you ask him, he will say he doesnt think he is hot. I have heard he was a jerk too, but that is really far form true. Just like everyone else he has his good days and his bad days, and on a bad day he will most likely not go and meet people. But most of the time he is a badass teddy bear (yes it is very possible). Trust me I know what I'm talking about.


Im Guessing Cause Hes PArent Genes! LOL!

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I don't think there are otrher members, but the singer/instumentist, his name is Christofer Drew. ITS not CHRISTOFER!!!! its Chrisopher Drew Ingle! :DDDD its CHRISTOFER! christofer changed it because he wanted to be different, so respect his decisions and call him christofer.

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