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Cold water is murky because it is nutrient-rich. The nutrient-rich cold waters harbor the minerals that provide the food chain for marine life beginning with the phytoplanktons (microscopic plant-like organisms). The phytoplankton depend on the nutrients and minerals in cold water to live. Phytoplanktons are the beginning of the food chain for a majority of aquatic life. Phytoplankton in large numbers produce the green-color on the surface of colder waters. Tropical waters are warm and nutrient deficient. Tropical waters are essentially a desert sea. The lack of nutrients produces clear water. Also of note -- the lack of nutrients precludes the development of phytoplantons; therefore, tropical waters lack the abundance of marine life that colder waters provide. Tropical marine life primarily survive off the reefs.

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Q: Why is cold water murky and warm tropical water clear?
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Why is cold ocean water murky while tropical water is clear?

Tropical waters are nutrient poor at the surface. When living things die at the surface they sink to the bottom where they decompose. The nutrients that are released when they decompose stay at the bottom because there's a thermocline--the deep water is cold and the surface water is warm and they don't mix. So the surface waters don't have much algae and stay clearer.

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Subtropical water is cold water that is not tropical.

What is subtropical water?

Subtropical water is cold water that is not tropical.

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Most tropical fish will die if left for extended time in cold water. Some tropical fish may be able to tolerate cold water, but the result would likely be early death and disease.

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Some catfish species are tropical and others are cold water.

Can you mix cold water fish and tropical fish in same tank?

No. The temperature variation will kill one or the other. (Too warm for cold water fish, too cold for tropical fish)

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no tropical water means the fish are found in tropical regions which means the water is warm - 21-28 Cece's

Why do clown fish live in cold water?

Clown fish are tropical marine species, they do not live in cold water.

Can you convert your fresh water fish tank into tropical without killing the fish?

You can definitely do that, but you haven't made it clear that you have cold water in the tank before. If you can keep the water temperature at 72 F, then you can keep both cold water fishes like gold fishes and non-aggressive community tropical fishes like gouramis, platys, mollies, algae eaters etc with gold fish.

How do you look after a cold water fish?

like you keep a tropical water fish only you should provide it cold water instead warm water.

Can tropical fish live with Koi fish in the same aquarium?

No! because tropical fish live in heated water and koi in cold water.

Will tropical fish die if you put them in cold water?

Yes they will die because tropical fish are kept in an aquarium with heat control for the temperature of the water, they will not survive in cold water. Put a tropical fish in cold water it's metabolism will slow down to the point its body no longer works, it won't be able to digest food, will become very lethargic, and die.