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Copyright infringement is a violation of federal law, even if it seems like a small thing. Teaching students early that intellectual property has value may help them make wise (and legal) decisions in the future. Additionally, an understanding of copyright may lead to a decrease in plagiarism as students see that originality has value.

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Q: Why is copyright infringement a serious issue in schools?
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Saying something has a "copyright issue" is usually a nice, slightly oblique way of saying "copyright infringement." For example, if a YouTube video is taken down because of copyright issues, it means the rightsholder of some portion of it has asserted that the use is infringing.

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Straight factual information may not be protected by copyright at all; the expression is protected. Just as when using research from physical sources like books and magazines, summarizing or rewording the material is not infringing, but direct quotes need to be properly cited. (This is less of a copyright issue and more of a plagiarism issue.)If what you want to use from the internet is more creative than factual, you just need an exemption in the law or permission from the rightsholder.

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Each issue would have its own copyright information; the first issue would be 2002.

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Copyright material is often protected to prevent an infringement of the copyright. Borrowing a DVD and making a copy for your own use is a clear infringement of that copyright. In this case, the copyright protection has done what it is meant to do. To answer the question: Either buy your own copy of the DVD and then watch it whenever you wish or borrow it from your friend each time you want to watch it. Copyright is a contentious issue: Although many people argue that it is restrictive, copyright is the legal mechanism that allows the creator of a film, picture, music or other works to have control over the work they have created. Attempts to bypass copy protection and ignore the rights of program creators simply mean that the creator does not receive payment for his work.

Does copyright fall under civil or criminal law?

A civil case is between two people or organizations; a copyright example would be a photographer suing a publisher in civil court for using one of his images in a book without permission.A criminal case is between an infringer and the government; this only happens in extreme, extreme infringement cases, such as large-scale piracy. A slight but useful oversimplification of the issue would be to say that a criminal case arises when the infringement is so significant that it impacts the economy.

What is internet ethics and copyright laws?

Copyright laws apply to digital materials in the same way they apply to physical materials, but because the internet makes infringement so cheap and easy, it becomes an ethical issue: doing the right thing even when the wrong thing is easier, and you know you won't get caught.

Is it even possible to copyright a seemingly stencilled signature- like Banksy's?

Replicating a signature is less a copyright issue and more a fraud issue.

What is the copyright to Contemporary Black Biography?

Each issue or edition has its own copyright information.

Does it matter how much was copied to the paper?

Yes, the amount that was copied to the paper can impact the severity of the issue. Copying a small amount may be considered fair use, while copying a substantial portion could be a copyright infringement. It is important to consider the context and purpose of the copying.