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Crossing over provides genetic diversity, which means many different characteristics are given to individuals of a species. Therefore, if there is more diversity within that species, there is a higher likelihood of that species surviving, growing, and reproducing.

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I increases genetic diversity.

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Q: Why is crossing over advantageous to species?
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How does crossing over assist with variation among species?


What does crossing-over produce in the offspring?

Crossing over in a species creates a whole new species

How is genetic diversity beneficial a species?

Crossing over causes genetic diversity. If there was no genetic diversity in a species, the species would be prone to extinction.

How is genetic diversity to beneficial to a species?

Crossing over causes genetic diversity. If there was no genetic diversity in a species, the species would be prone to extinction.

How is genetic diversity beneficial to species?

Crossing over causes genetic diversity. If there was no genetic diversity in a species, the species would be prone to extinction.

Why crossing over occurs?

Usually,crossing over occurs to create new species of life.In the case of chromosomes,2 non sister chromatids link up at chiasmata and crossover.Crossing over usually leads to evolution of new species.

Is it advantageous for a predator to prey on a single prey species?

Not true.

During meiosis crossing-over gene exchange between chromosomes may occur Crossing-over usually results in?

The result of crossing over is genetic diversity. More specifically, it is a hybrid chromosome with a unique pattern of genetic material. Does this answer help?

Is it advantageous for a predator to prey exclusively on a single prey species?

Not true.

Which process produces the most variation within a species?

Variations occurs in species due to the process of "Crossing over"

How does crossing over affect the genetic diversity of a species?

in crossing over the gens present on chromosomes forms linkage so the character are exchange & thus it lead to recombination of genes that affect genetic diversity

What is it called when genes swap during meiosis?

This is the process of crossing over that happens in prophase I.