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That is the central point of their spiritual beliefs and is what they base all of their hopes and studies on.

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Q: Why is crucifixion and resurrection so important to catholics?
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Why do Catholics celebrate a funeral Mass as a Mass of the Resurrection?

so they could be back with god and jesus so they could be back with god and jesus

Why does Paul mean that Jesus resurrection is so important?

Because if Jesus did not rise from the dead - then he did not return to send Paul on the 'road to Damascus' - this is why it is so important. No Resurrection = No commission = No Christianity!

Why does the road to Emmaus help Jesus' followers believe in his resurrection?

In the Gospel of Luke, 13 - 53, two disciples of Jesus met, spoke and ate with him after his crucifixion and resurrection, then told others about the event. Jesus' followers believed the witnesses and so more readily believe in the resurrection themselves.

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So they wont get a disease

Why do Catholics celebrate Holy Week?

Catholics celebrate Easter in celebration of the day Jesus rose from the dead after dying the previous Friday (Good Friday). The event marks the point at which all the prophecies about the Messiah are fulfilled, thus beginning the Catholic Church

Why is Jesus' death and resurrection so important in the Christian understanding of grief and loss?

We Christians have salvation only after Jesus died and rose again, after the resurrection.

Why is Matthew's version of the Bible so important to Roman Catholics?

Well, all of the four versions of the Gospel are important to Roman Catholics, but I would say that it is important because it really bridges the Old Testament to the New Testament.

Where is the Easter story in the bible?

Easter is the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus, so the passages that speak directly of the resurrection are here:Matthew 28Mark 16Luke 24John 20In order to understand the resurrection, you must also understand the crucifixion, because the raising of a life from the dead requires a person to be dead.The crucifixion is recorded inMatthew 27Mark 15Luke 23John 19These are the relevant events to Easter. The meaning of these events is explained most plainly in the letters of Paul.A perfect example of this is found here:2 Corinthians 5:21For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.

What does the Gospel say about the reasons for the crucifixion of Jesus?

A:The gospels all say that the religious authorities were opposed to Jesus. In the synoptic gospels (Matthew, Mark and Luke), the trigger that led to the arrest and crucifixion of Jesus was the 'cleansing of the temple', in which he overturned the tables of the moneychangers and those that sold sacrifices. For theological reasons, John moves this episode to the very beginning of the mission of Jesus, so in this gospel the trigger for the arrest and crucifixion of Jesus was the resurrection of Lazarus.

Why is Jesus resurecction important to Christians today?

The resurrection of Jesus is the basis for Christianity; without it Christianity would not exist in its present form, if at all. So the resurrection is just as important today as it ever was.

How will Jesus' crucifixion have an impact on the future?

Not so much His crucifixion which was a common Roman way of death. It will be His resurrection and ascension back into Heaven (see John 3:13) as the first of the firstfruits that have a tremendous impact on all believers. These each have an eternal high priest and intercessor to the Father. Through repentance and baptism, receiving Him in the converted disciple marks them for eternal life if they hold true to the end.

Why is Jesus resurrection so important ot christians?

becaused it connotes that jesus had conquered sin and all men who believes are saved