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Methamphetamine and amphetamine mostly do the same thing to you, except meth is about 10 times stronger. Meth is used in some ADD and narcolepsy medication but amphetamine is way more common. Amphetamine is dangerous, meth is extremely dangerous.

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Q: Why is crystal methamphetamine bad but the doctor makes you take Amphetamine salts isn't it the same?
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Pharmacologically, it's a central nervous system stimulant. Legally, it's a schedule I and is illicit/has no accepted medical value. (regular methamphetamine is a sched II and CAN be prescribed under the grand name Desoxyn).

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What is amphetamine salts?

Amphetamine (speed, meth, crank, joggers, uppers) is a chemical stimulant originally used to cure individuals with ADHD disorder, to make them calm. However, none diagnosed individuals will get the reserve effect, rather than calm; you'll get stressed, awake, focused; what stimulants do.Amphetamine is like drinking 20 Red Bulls, just that the effect can last several of hours, and the peak comes at around 1-2 hours; and ends usually (depending on amount) at around 8-12 hours.The come down is awful, especially on methamphetamine (crystal).You'll have problems eating and sleeping due to it's syntisized substance contaning, somewhat "dextroamphetamine"; that makes you lose your appetite.Amphetamine is originally made in "rocks" or "crystal rocks" which is usually smashed; poured into powder, then snorted, eaten, or mixed with water to fit inside a needle.Amphetamine comes in many forms, powder mostly from the street; crushed rocks. Prescription ADHD (ritalin, for instance) is delivered in it's own pill form, which is then swallowed.Amphetamine is very addictive, but not that bad as all the media hype says it is. (Methamphetamine maybe, but not original amphetamine, given to ADHD disordered individuals.)Be careful, if you're ever planning to have some fun; please notice that one time a month is MAXIMUM, do NOT take it often.- Meryl Linder, Norway.

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It's a stimulant. That makes it an 'upper'.

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What makes a Waterford crystal special?

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