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Cursing and swearing are different. Cursing is getting angry at something and reaction that follows, its trigger specific, while swearing is usage of offensive word, its not trigger dependent it could be a habit.

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Q: Why is cursing considered swearing when you don't say 'I swear' to anything?
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Can you swear on zwinkycuties?

no you should not swear on zwinkycuties or anything else.God says in the bible that he does not want you to swear on anything because thar is like cursing him out.

Can an officerer swear at minor children?

There's no general laws that prohibit officers from swearing, but it's universally considered unprofessional. Most departments will discourage cursing, and may have a policy against cursing, so you may file a complaint if you wish, but there's no guarantee that it will be followed up on.

What are five reasons that you can't swear at work?

Here are the reasons why you should not swear at work: 1. Cursing at work could lead you into big troubles and you might end up get talked by your manager. 2. Cursing at work is acting a hostile and enemy to your workmates. 3. Swearing at anyone could be offended. 4. You could get fired for swearing at your manager, boss, and workmates. 5. Swearing at work is against the rules.

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The present participle of "swear" is "swearing."

What are some good pop songs with no swear words?

A good pop boy band that I know of that has no swearing in their music is One Direction and a good artists that has cursing in her music but she has meaning in her songs which kinda pushes any cursing the her music aside is Lady Gaga.

Will there be swear words in son of neptune book?

Sort of. There are no swear words in English, but there are mentions of horses cursing and cursing in other languages.

Is knobhead swearing?

is knobhead a swear word

The foolish and wicked practice of profane cursing and swearing is a vice so mean and low that every person of sense and character detests and despises it what does this mean?

This statement means that cursing and swearing are seen as vulgar and contemptible behaviors by people who are thoughtful and have good moral values. It suggests that those who engage in such behaviors are considered foolish and immoral by society.

Can Catholics swear?

Yes, Catholics can swear. The Catholic church does not approve of swearing, but they do it anyway.

What is the swear in 22 Lilly Allen?

There is no swearing in that song.

Do you go to hell for swearing?

Swearing is a sin but you will not go to hell for it. Of course if you swear and have no faith in God then you will. that's not true if you swear, that doesn't mean you don't have no faith in god.

How do you elephant swear?

elephant swearing is like pinky swearing but u and the other person use your penis