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Q: Why is direct demorcracy impractical in the united States?
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What term is used to describe the democracy in the United States?

not a demorcracy at all. The united states is a republic. It is even said in the pledge, "to the republic for which it stands".

Which form of government is used in the United States today direct or representative?

The United States is a representative republic.

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would it be better for the United States to have a direct democracy

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The direct roll of the United States Department of Defence (DOD) is to support and defend the Constitution of the United states.

What was a direct result of The Intolerable Acts?

The United States started to unite.

How old was Henry Clay when he died?

Died June 29,1852, in Washington, Direct of columbia, United States. At the age 75. :) Died June 29,1852, in Washington, Direct of columbia, United States. At the age 75. :)

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if you are talking about direct tv in Canada then yes, if your talking about the united states direct tv then no, teletoon is only in CANADA

How was democracy in ancient Athens different from democracy in the united States?

The democracy in ancient Athens was a direct democracy. The democracy in the United States was a representative democracy.

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Canada is to the direct north of the United States.

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decrease in trade between the united states and mexico

What countries does unitrin direct have branches in?

Unitrin direct currently has branches within the united states. They also have jobs available in many states. Unitrin direct also offers great incentive plans.