

Why is emulsifier used?

Updated: 5/22/2024
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12y ago

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I'll put this into a scenario, its easier to explain:

lets say you made a nice home-made salad dressing and you used oil and vinegar in it. the oil would float to the top of the mixture and it wouldn't look nice unless you used...

an emulsifier!

the emulsifier would combine the oil and vinegar so the oil would mix in with the rest of the mixture so that it looks nicer and the oil isn't separated.

another way to look at it (my teacher made this up):

2 boys who hate each other and wont go near each other. (oil and vinegar)

1 very pretty girl of which both boys like (emulsifier)

the pretty girl wants to hang out with both of the boys and they would rather choose to be with their dream girl than fight so all 3 hang out together (oil, vinegar and emulsifier are combined and not separated)

does that help you out? if not just say ^_^

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12y ago
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1w ago

Emulsifiers are used to stabilize and promote the mixing of two or more immiscible substances, such as oil and water. They work by reducing surface tension and creating a stable emulsion, which prevents separation of the components. Emulsifiers are commonly used in food products like mayonnaise, salad dressings, and ice cream.

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