

Why is energy fromthe sun so important?

Updated: 9/21/2023
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Q: Why is energy fromthe sun so important?
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Why is the sun so important to the plants?

it is because the energy from the sun feeds the plants, but of course they do need water so...

Why is the sun important to both producers and consumers?

producers make energy from the sun and then consumers eat the producers, ex: a plant (producer) uses photosynthesis and the sun to make energy then a bunny (consumer) eats the plant for energy. so the sun is the source of energy

What supplies the energy in water cycle?

The sun. The sun's energy comes in the form of heat. This begins the cycle with evaporation.

How is the sun's energy solar energy?

the suns energy is solar energy because sun means solar so solar energy is from the sun

How is the sun an important energy source?

The sun is the most important energy source of all. Without the sun's energy heating the Earth's surface, there would be no potential for life. The sun is continuously radiating energy totaling 400 trillion trillion watts. Earth is ideally positioned in its distance from the sun so that the heat energy from the sun is not overbearingly hot, as on closer planets (Mercury, for example), and not too small to sustain temperatures that are suitable for life. The sun's energy can also be harnessed through the technology of solar cells, which convert the sun's energy (in photons) to usable electricity. Solar energy can power anything from a calculator to cars to entire buildings.

Why is the ozne layer so important?

Ozone layer is very important as it guards s from the harmful Uv radiations of the sun. These are fatal high energy radiations.

Can organisms survive without energy from the sun?

not really cause plants grown from the sun and water but mostly the sun and the sun helps the plants grown so then the plants give energy to animals so the animals will live so no organisms can not survive without energy from the sun

Is it true the sun is important to wind?

The sun heats the Earth and this energy is transferred to the atmosphere. Warm air rises and cooler air sinks. This causes winds and many other weather effects SO yeas sun is important to wind creation.r

Why is the sun's stability so important to us?

Almost all of the energy that Earth receives and uses, comes from the sun. This energy is used to grow plants and animals (even humans). Life on Earth owes its existence to the sun's radiant energy. If we lost this energy supply, or if it wasn't as constant as it is, chances are life on Earth, as we know it, would cease.

Why is wind energy so important?

Energy is so important because if we didnt have energy we all could die

Is sun is the supreme energy?

The sun is a collection of hydrogen and helium. Two hydrogen slam into each other, losing mass, and producing energy and helium. And so, as energy is produced from the sun, the sun loses mass-the sun will be lost after a time. The sun is merely an energy-producing object, not an energy and definitely not the supreme energy.

What produce electrical energy?

water can produce energy so can the sun