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Only the father carries both Chromosomes deciding sex. But, under Jewish teachings, which sperm carrying one of the other of the chromosomes is affected by the Ph level of the uterine fluid. More acidic levels and you get a girl. As such, the factors of who choses is about equal.

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Its because of genetics. Females have two chromosomes which are X and X, but a Males chromosomes are X and Y. So while the baby is being formed, thegender will bedetermined bythe chromosomes they receive. The baby will always receive an X from the mom, but if also receives an X from the dad, then the baby will be a girl (two X's= Female). Now if the baby receives a Y chromosome from the dad then it will be a boy (X and Y= Male)

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Q: Why is father responsible for the sex of unborn baby?
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Is there any way to influence the sex of an unborn baby?

== Naturally, no.

How can a pregnant know the sex of her unborn baby?

By getting an ultrasound from a doctor.

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Sex determination in the unborn baby?

It mainly depends upon the sex chromosomes.i.e, Y chromosome and X chromosome.

Why is sex determination of unborn baby is illegal?

It's not illegal to find out the sex of your baby but in some countries it's illegal to have an abortion based on the gender of the baby. Discrimination because of the sex is illegal in many countries.

If an married woman tells her unmarried sex partner that she can not get pregnant and then does get pregnant is unmarried partner responsible for unborn child?

She would need to prove that her husband was not the father of the child, as well as any other sex partners she may have had. Of course the unmarried partner would be responsible for the child..but that's only if its his.

Why is sex determination of unborn fetus banned by the government of India?

sex determination is banned of a unborn baby because if a un needed gender is devoleping the parents can do abortion to prevent the borning of the child

When can you find out the sex of your unborn baby?

I found out my son's at 13 weeks with a high resolution ultrasound.

Is this necessary to have rashes on face for having a baby boy?

Rashes on the face have nothing to do with what sex your unborn child is.

Who determines the sex of the baby in humans?

the father

Who is responsible for sex of human baby?

In general, the mother contributes an (X) chromosome and the father can contribute either and (X) OR (Y). Therefore, X/X = GIRL and X/Y = BOY. So, the father is ultimately controlling the gender of a baby.

Why is its use for identification of the sex of the unborn child is banned in India?

In India there was (and is) a great desire to have sons. Ultrasound imaging used to determine the sex of an unborn baby was therefore a cause for the abortion of many female babies. Therefore the use of ultrasounds to determine sex was outlawed.