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fish is an important protein everywhere... its more prevalent in Japan cause its an island with very few land animals.

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Q: Why is fish an important source of protein in Japan?
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Why is fish a major source of protein in Japan?

Because they are an island nation

What is a major industry in Japan?

Fishing is a major industry in Japan. There are many kinds of fish in the surrouning waters, supplying a major source of protein for the Japanese diet.

How was fish important to the Greek?

They had poor land. It was used to grow grain as the main food source, and there was little land available for livestock. Fish provided a good source of additional protein.

Why is fish and seafood are very important in the Japanese diet?

Japan is an island nation, and fish is a readily available and easily accessible food source. (With 70% of Japan being mountainous, it is not easy to raise a large amount of livestock. This necessitates the importation of meat from other countries, which can be expensive. Thus, fish, in addition to its availability, is a cheaper alternative.)and that is why japan has so little gardens and ranches

Does salted fish have protein what is the source of nutrients if any?

Yes, salted fish has the same amount of protein. The nutrients in salted fish besides protein is B12 and omega-3 vitamins.

Is fish a source of protein?

Yes, tilapia and other seafood are good sources of protein. One ounce contains about 7 g of protein. Animal protein causes the acidity of your blood to rise. Your body must neutralize this acid by releasing calcium and other alkaline materials from your bones. (Plant protein does not cause a loss of calcium.)

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why was fish an important food source for the algonquian people

Is fish japans major source of protein in the Japanese diet?


What is fish a good source of?

Fish is a good source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids. Fish is healthy to eat because it's low in fat.

Are chicken meat fish and eggs a good source of protein?

Definitely, look for lean sources of chicken, like skinless chicken breast, fish like tuna and salmon are very healthy and high in protein, eggs are also a great source of protein.

Do Japanese people eat fish?

Yes. Japan is an island nation, so fish is a common food and source of nutrition.