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Without the free press the political system can do what they want without oversight. Pay attention to the news today and watch the free press at work.

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Q: Why is free press important to a democracy?
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Why is free press important in a democracy?

In a democracy, the vote of the people guides the policy of the government. If the people are not informed of the truth, they cannot vote rationally. If the press is not free, the rulers determine whether the press publishes the truth or Propaganda.

Why is a press important to democracy?

Without the free press the political system can do what they want without oversight. Pay attention to the news today and watch the free press at work.

Is Free press is essential or dangerous for democracy?

Free press is vital to the economy and peoples sense of democracy, however it can and is used for scaremongering, forcing political views on others and generally slowing down the workings of government.

How is Russia improving?

well kinda it is a democracy but they dont have free speech or free press they do have free religion though & there working on free speech

Why is a free press important and helpful to a democratic society?

In a democracy, the vote of the people guides the policy of the government. If the people are not informed of the truth, they cannot vote rationally. If the press is not free, the rulers determine whether the press publishes the truth or propaganda.

Most useful indicator of the degree of democracy reached by a particular society is whether it has a?

Free Press.

Why should media be banned in military operations?

It should not be banned. The free press is an essential part of democracy.

Why is a free and open press important to a democracy?

A free and open press is important to a democracy because it serves as a check on government power, provides public accountability, and encourages informed citizen participation. It helps to expose corruption, hold leaders accountable, and ensures the dissemination of diverse and reliable information to citizens, allowing them to make informed decisions. The press also promotes transparency and provides a platform for diverse voices and opinions to be heard.

Why is it so important for a democracy to have investigative journalists?

A free press is very important in a democracy. The public needs to know the various things that are going on in government and investigators keep politicians honest by the investigation of stories and rumors. Without the efforts of investigation of the Watergate break in Nixon would have gotten away with his sending the men into the democratic offices.

Why is freedoom of the press important?

Consider the opposite of a free press, when a single entity decides what information may be released in written form. This is a necessary feature of any autocracy, dictatorship or oligarchy. Conversely, freedom of the press (and speech and the Internet, even to the point of the permissibility of printing lies, is a necessary condition for a working democracy.

Why free -thinkers are important to democracy?

If you don't have people who can think for themselves, there is no point in having a democracy. Democracy depends on having people who can think for themselves rather than believing..

Why Free speech and free press are protected mostly?

Because They are the most important of all our freedoms.