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Q: Why is fungus important in the rainforest?
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What rainforest animal eats fungus?

The tiny musky rat-kangaroo of Australia is one rainforest animal that eats fungus.

What is a decomposer in the rainforest?

A decomposer in the Rainforest is a fungus type organism, such as mushrooms or moss.

How can fungi help the rainforest's?

Fungus adapt to the rainforest, because it spreads around. Like that's why you see lot of fungus in the water and in the trees and other resources. Fungus like to get around animals in rainforest. The rainforest is wet, so fungi get used to it. A rainforest is the most adaptable habitat for animals, plants and decomposers. So fungus get used to it. Don't get fungus on your body if you go to a rainforest.

What decomposes rainforest animals?

fungus like oyster mushrooms

What layer of the rainforest would you find fungus and mosses?

On the forest floor/ the shrub layer.

What kinds of mushrooms live in temperate grasslands?

There are a variety of types of fungus in the Amazon rainforest. Some of these include red fungus, oyster mushrooms, white fungus, and gray fungus.

What fungi lives in the forest floor layer of the rain forest?

There are many of them. They include gilled fungus, devil's tongues, coral fungus, agaric fungus, toothed fungus, slime mould, luminous fungus, bracket fungus, cup fungus, moss, organ pipe fungus, sac fungus, stinkhorn fungus, jelly fungus, and lichen. The forest floor is the leaf-littered ground. It is the home of many, many insects and some large animals. ~short :)

Why do rainforest matter?

Rainforest are important because it holds

What is the most important rainforest in the world?

The Amazon rainforest is the largest rainforest and in my opinion the most important it is in Brazil

Why is it important that the source rivers have their origins in tropical rainforest?

Why is it important that the source rivers have their origins in tropical rainforest?

Why are tropical rainforest's important your your earth?

a tropical rainforest is a smelly place

What are 3 reason why rainforest are important?

1. rainforest are important because they provide us with medicine for oue illnesses