

Why is generation y called y?

Updated: 12/17/2022
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13y ago

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Generation Y refers to the population group in the US born from somewhere around 1976 to around 2000. All population groups tend to be tarred with generalizations, some accurate, and some completely missing the mark.

Generation Y followed Generation X. The coiners of generation names evidently had a lapse of creativity.

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Is there another generation after y?


What year did generation X start?

There is no real agreement among demographers about a precise date, but most have decided that Gen Y, also called "Millennials," includes people born between the early 1980s and the early 2000s.

What generation come after generation x?

Some have begun to talk of the Millennials. That is incorrect. Generation Y IS the Millennials. other synonymous titles include gen. next, gen tech., gen. net, and Echo boomers because we are the baby boomers babies.

What generation is before the baby boomers?

In recent years, the generation that immediately preceded the Baby Boomers has come to be called the "greatest generation." Yes and no. The generation in between WWI and WWII was called the Silent Generation. The Baby Boomers came after because of the returning GI's. The men and women who fought were the Greatest Generation.

What is Generation Y?

Generation Y is the people who were born between 1976-1995 or 1982-2001 depending on the source, and grew up in the 1990s and 2000s. To be specific, Gen Y also called the Millennials, are a generation with increasing values of entitlement, narcissism and rejection of social conventions and can range up to 2004. Gen Ys are also the generation of tolerance, as well as global and environmental consciousness. The later the Millennial, the more pronounced these values and traits, generally. The 'range' is never exactl because it's generational, and not mathematical. It's not a horoscope where one can say 'people born in 1970 are not Millennials' as there are many factors. Millennials can dip even into the 60s if the parents were Late Boomers as well as young. Some people, but not many, even break the 'generation' mold entirely. While most of us like to 'think' we don't fit in our generation most of us do at some root level. Others, such as Steve Jobs, should have been the quintessential baby boomer. Though his character, vision, and outlook on the world and his place in it, barely fits the mold of even a late boomer (1965). So it's not a science, it's a characterization of loose group spanning 'a generation'.