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It is morally right to some and morally wrong to others; morality is a perspective and personal decision. Well according to my research homosexuality is only a variation of the human race like for example some people like grapefruit some don't so It is only a matter of the randomization of genetics creating a homosexual and it cant be called be called a disease because of its scale and it has only become something natural aprox 30 years after the what is called first human.

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Q: Why is homosexuality morally right?
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What are the pro and con against the acceptance of Homosexuality as an alternate choice?

Homosexuality isn't a choice. Gay people don't choose to be gay. Accepting them as equals with equal rights to love and happiness is the morally permissible thing to do.

What is George W Bush's opinion on homosexuality?

He doesn't allow it. He's against it because he believes it's morally wrong.

Is there anything morally wrong and why is it wrong?

yes, there is. Some would argue that the taking of life (killing someone) is morally wrong. A counter-argument might be if in self-defence, the taking of a life might be morally right, since it preserves another's life. However, this does not contradict the point that the taking of a life is still morally wrong. Indeed, the taking of a life can be both morally right and morally wrong.

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The term morally wrong refers to an act of human behavior that is not accepted as right by society.

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Yes, it is.

What is ethics the study of?

Study of what is morally right and wrong.

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No, it is not morally right for business owners to impose their religious orientation on their employees. Employees should have the right to their own beliefs and should not be discriminated against based on their religious views. Business owners should respect the diversity of their workforce and create an inclusive environment.

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It is not morally right for anybody to impose their religious beliefs on anybody else, and this is especially wrong if they are in a position of power.

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The phrase is morally defective. It means a person who has totally lost his or her sense of right and wrong. (Alternate phrase: morally bankrupt)

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Morally right action does always maximizes the interests of others. This is a one self interest.

Is homosexuality unethical?

Although some religious groups and right-wing politicians/followers believe homosexuality is unethical, it is perfectly normal and is not something to be ashamed of.

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