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No vitamins are as effective & healthy as consuming fresh fruit; it is said that consuming vitamins along with a diet with enough vitamin c intake makes them more effective. If one cannot get enough vitamin c from their diet it is very important to take supplements because it is healthier than no vitamin c intake.

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Q: Why is it better to eat fresh fruit and vegetables as a source of vitamin c rather then taking tablets?
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I do not know, as Kenya does not do this. Kenya do not do this, does this answer your question? Call me maybe!

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You think probable to Vitamin B.

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Vitamin A 101?

There is no doubt that getting your essential vitamins from food sources rather than from a pill is the most effective way to provide your body with nutrients. Vitamin A is no different. There are many foods that contain Vitamin A, and these are foods that are packed with other nutrients as well. Vitamin A promotes healthy skin, bones and cells and helps fight infections by keeping your immune system healthy. The daily recommended intake for Vitamin A is 3,000 IUs for men and 2,310 IUs for women. Foods that are packed with Vitamin A include colorful fruits and vegetables. The top 5 foods that contain Vitamin A are sweet potatoes, carrots, spinach, kale and collard greens.

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Steaming the vegetables rather than boiling.

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The skin uses the sun to produce vitamin D. It is not literally absorbed through the skin from the sun, rather vitamin D is produced by the body under the skin in reaction to sunlight. Vitamin D is necessary to keep bones and teeth healthy as it helps to regulate the amounts of phosphate and calcium in the body.

Why do you ned to eat regularly eat foods rich in vitamin C rather than those rich in vitamin D?

Because it is rocking

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You can lower your blood pressure without medication. ... The best source of potassium is food, such as fruits and vegetables, rather than?

You can lower high blood pressure by eating more fruits and vegetables and general eating better . You can also exercise more this can help also . You can also get more rest and sleep in general .