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It would require changing a person's genes. We can't do that. Yet. Until we do, the genes that gave you the disease will get passed to your children, and THEIR children, etc.

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Q: Why is it difficult to cure a human genetic disorder?
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What is genetic engineering describe three possibilities benefits on this technique?

Genetic Engineering is the study and application of genetics for a better life/future. Genetic engineering can be used to produce medicines & to improve food crops. Researchers are also using genetic engineering to try to cure human genetic disorders.

Is there any cure for of a genetic disease called Angelman's syndrome?

Angelman's syndrome is a genetic disorder caused by deletion on genes on chromosome 15 contributed by the mother to child, once you are born with it, the faulty gene has already done the damage. There is no cure for it. Note: If their deletion of the same gene on chromosome 15 contributed by the father, it results in Prader Willi syndrome.

Are there been any new genetic treatments to treat progeria?

There is no treatment for progeria. That is genetic aberration and not a disease.

Genetic science will help cure all diseases?

Gene medicine might be a method of cuuring genetic disorders in the future. Sources: Biology degree

Which part of cell responsible for transmitting genetic disease?

This question doesn't exactly make sense, but I'll try to answer it. The nucleus (or "brain of the cell") contains DNA. DNA is where all genetic makeup is stored. DNA contains chromosomes. Each normal human being has 46 chromosomes. Genetic diseases lie within these chromosomes, pinpointing where they are is the tricky part. A lot genetic diseases have yet to be pinpointed and even when they are pinpointed, finding a cure can be almost impossible without the help of stem cell research.

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No...there isn't a cure yet. it is a genetic disorder

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You can't, it is a genetic disorder. You can alleviate the symptoms but you can not cure it.

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Do you mean Albright Syndrome? It is a genetic disorder, so there is no cure. However surgery and some medications can alleviate symptoms.

The process the attempting to cure genetic disorder by placing copies of healthy genes into cells that lack them is known as?

Gene Therapy

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There is no cure for color blindness. It is a disorder that is passed from mother to son in fetal development and is genetic in nature.

What involves replacing faulty genes with normal working genes in order to provide a cure for a genetic disorder?

gene thereapy

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Lupus is a genetic autoimmune disorder. You are born with it, and it can be treated successfully, however there is no cure.

Is there a cure for trimethylaminuria?

There is NO cure for this disorder.

Does Marfan syndrome have a treatment?

While there is no cure for Marfan Syndrome (because it is a genetic disorder), there are ranges of treatment options can decrease (and even sometimes prevent) complications.

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Do you mean "mental" disorder?

Are there any treatments for marfan syndrome?

While there is no cure for Marfan Syndrome (because it is a genetic disorder), there are ranges of treatment options can decrease (and even sometimes prevent) complications.

How do you cure conversion disorder?

You can't cure it, you can only manage it.