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Terrorism comes since ancient times. Now days, terrorists trains and receives indoctrination from certified trainers. This makes it very difficult to infiltrate one; you can't knock on doors in the Middle East without proper training.

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Q: Why is it difficult to infiltrate terrorist organizations?
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NO. Hezbollah remains on the US list of designated terrorist organizations.

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There are a number of left-wing terrorist organizations, such as FARC in Colombia, the Japanese Red Army, Shining Path, and Eco-Terrorist Groups.


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The single most important difference between terrorist and criminal organizations is that?

terrorist organizations use violence and fear to achieve political, religious, or ideological goals, while criminal organizations pursue illegal activities primarily for financial gain. Terrorism is motivated by a political agenda and aims to create widespread fear, whereas criminal organizations focus on profit and illegal activities such as drug trafficking, human trafficking, and extortion.

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Because it's difficult

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The word "infiltrate" is a verb.

Is CTU in 24 a real place?

No. It is an amalgam of several real and fictional counter-terrorist organizations.