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Q: Why is it difficult to ship good from the Persian Gulf to the Arabian sea?
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Contributed to the growth of Persian trade?

Several conditions promoted the growth of trade, the relative political stability of the realm, the use of standarize coins, and the availability of good trade routes, newly constructed highways such as the Persian Royal Road and sea routes through the Red Sea, The Persian Gulf and the Arabian Sea.

Why did US get involved in the Persian Gulf War and the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq?

Instead of rewriting perfectly good answers, please see the Related Questions.

Which cities were located within sumer?

It is located near the Persian Gulf, the cities within Sumer are Babylon and Kish Good Luck!

Why do Iran and Iraq hate each other?

i am iranian . i think all of the people know it in the world. in 1359 the army of Iraq assailed to iran of course when iran hasn't any army so i hate from iraq and i can't believed that we have communication with them . because they and we are Muslim but they assailed us . in the other hand they said an unbeliever word that arabian gulf all of the people know it is Persian gulf it is in all of the map . but our Religion said us tried to accept apologize now we have a good communication with them i wish you hve a good time bye

Who were the good guys and the bad guys of the Persian Gulf War?

The US supported Iran and the Soviets supported Iraq during the Iran-Iraq War 1980-1988.

Was the first gulf war 1990-91 good?

There is certainly a better claim for the Persian Gulf War of 1991 to be a moral war than many other wars, considering that the UN Coalition waged that war in order to liberate the occupied State of Kuwait.

What is a good Persian god called?

A good Persian god is named Ahura Mazda.

The Tigris and Euphrates Rivers are part of what region?

it could be sumeria,arabian peninsula or fertile crescent

Is an Arabian good at jumping?

all horses are good at jumping

When is a good time to break an Arabian horse?

it is a good time to break in an Arabian while it is still young about 4 to 8 yrs of age

Where do you watch Persian movies?

i think Persian is really good

How good were Persian laws?

They were appropriate for the Persian kingdom. The other parts of the Persian Empir operated on their indigenous laws.