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The body has natural barriers to prevent micro-organisms called microbes from entering inside. Some of these are natural barriers, which includes the use of certain body parts to block the entry of the microbes.

One of these natural barriers is the skin, which protects the internal organs from damage caused by diseases, as well as harmful chemicals and radiation from the sun.

The nasal hairs in the nose and sticky mucus along the windpipe also helps prevent diseases by filtering the air. If some irritants get into the nose, the person will cough to shift the mucus down into the throat to be swallowed. The mucus will then be transferred to the stomach so that the microbes can be killed by its acid.

The body also have chemical barriers to prevent the entry of microbes. This includes body fluids with cleansing properties such as saliva and tears, which are capable of washing away particles trapped under the skin's surface.

The acid in the stomach (as mentioned above) bears the ability to kill a majority of microbes before they enter into other parts of the digestive system, which prevents intestine-related diseases.

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because the pathogens use the cells like a car and ride them until they can destroy them and are infectious

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Q: Why is it hard for pathogens to get to a part of the body in which they can cause a disease?
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