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In China, as with other countries, baby girls are not as prized as a boy. The ultra sound shows the sex of the baby and baby girls are more apt to be aborted. In India this has all ready happened.

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Q: Why is it illegal in china to use ultrasounds to find out the gender of a baby?
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Why is sex determination of unborn baby is illegal?

It's not illegal to find out the sex of your baby but in some countries it's illegal to have an abortion based on the gender of the baby. Discrimination because of the sex is illegal in many countries.

How is gender determined in humans?

Thanks to technology gender is easily determined in humans today with an ultrasound. Before ultrasounds there were the wives tales such as carrying low and wide meant it was a boy, and caring high narrow meant it was a girl.

Is it true if the baby is hiding in the ultrasound its a girl?

i believe so, so all you baby hiding ultrasounds you got a baby girl

What are the advantages and disadvantages of ultrasound?

you get to see your baby and know that it is ok, but iff its not you get to see your dead baby this is a disadvantage to ultrasounds, kaynat

What is the baby's gender and name?

The baby is what the baby is

Is it safe to ultrasound a 3 month old baby in the womb?

Yes ultrasounds are perfectly safe.

Why is there a gender inbalence in china?

Many people think its traditional to have baby boys born into the family. They are expected to bring business and success to their family.

Why is the the baby seen through and ultrasound and not a X-ray?

Ultrasounds are safer for the baby. X-rays emit a possibly dangerous amount of radiation.

How likely are ultrasounds to miss a second baby if you've had two early ultrasounds that both showed only one baby and is there any chance there might be two?

It could happen. Sometimes one baby hides behind the other. Most likely it won't be missed if there are 2 but there is a slim possibility that there could be 2

What are the benefits of an ultrasound?

Contrary to what most people think, ultrasounds are not just for the mothers to get to see their babies and find out the gender! Ultrasounds are a great way for doctors to see the baby as well and check for things such as fetal development. They can measure the length of bones and make sure that the baby is growing properly. They can also measure facial features which can help detect certain birth defects such as down's syndrome. It also allows them to actually see the heart beat and make sure that the heart is doing well.

Are ultrasounds accurate when it come to measuring the baby?

i think its not accurate because i dont think that stick thing that they rub on ur stomache with can tell how long the baby is or how big the baby is

Are there any Baby Gender Predictors online?

There is a well known baby gender predictor called Chinese Calendar, which can predict your baby's gender based on the month that baby was conceived and mother's aged at the time of conception. Please note that online Baby Gender Predictors are for entertainment purposes only, they are not accurate as baby scans would be.