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HAHAHAHA... wow. Umm, well slavery in general is illegal whether the person enslaved is a midget or a not. Although I do agree they should make an exception due to the potential awesomeness having a midget slave could entail.

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Q: Why is it illegal to keep a midget as a slave?
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Slavery became illegal to all americans in 1888.Slave ships technically aren't illegal even today.

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It was illegal to what? Can you please provide more context so I can assist you better?

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the slave owner would make sure to keep the slave only in his property.

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they usually went to another country and when you cross that border line that it is illegal to have slavery they cant keep you as a slave. which that's where they normally went to.

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Who is considered a legal midget?

There is no such thing as a legal midget.The word midget is considered to be offensive and is normally used to describe someone with dwarfism. Dwarfism is a genetic condition. Unless you suffer from a gene mutation like achondroplasia, you are not a dwarf ... legal or illegal.