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Being a Singaporean, I can simply tell you that its because some people are unable to NOT swallow gum but still tried it and got sent to hospital, and OTHERS who eat gum just cant resist spitting them out on the ground, proving a problematic matter for pedestrians who accidentally step on one and is troubled with cleaning it off.

In addition, people would stuff gum in between the doors of the train (MRT-Mass Rapid Transit), and it prevented the train system from running smoothly. Thus, it was ban 1992.

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Q: Why is it illegal to sell gum in Singapore?
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In what country is it illegal to sell or import chewing gum?


Where is chewing gum illegal?

It's in Singapore, they have very strict anti-littering and cleanliness laws. It has been gum-free since 1992.

Does supermarket in Singapore sell gum base?

No,they do not because chewing gum is also illigel in Singapore and in gum base,there is gum so they do not sell them in Singapore.

Why is it illegal to chew gum in Singapore?

It's okay to chew gum in Singapore. There is no punishment. Although there is a punishment for spitting gum on the floor. There is also a punishment for sticking your gum anywhere. You have to pay a fine. If you want to chew gum, spit it out into a piece of tissue and throw it into a rubbish bin. BTW: It's illegal to sell gum in Singapore.

In which country is it illegal to chew gum?

In Singapore it is illegal to chew gum. Singapore forbids any importation of gum that is not for medical purposes.

Why should we not sell chewing gum in Singapore?

Chewing gum is -- or least was last time I was there -- a public crime in Singapore (in order to prevent the dark gum-stains you see in most US cities) punished fairly harshly by Western standards, usually by caning. It may not be illegal to sell gum in Singapore, but I doubt it will sell very well.

Where can I buy bubble gum from Singapore?

You can't gum is illegal there.

Can I buy chewing gum in Singapore?

Yes it is illegal to buy, sell, and manufacture bubblegum

What are some local snacks in Singapore?

NOT GUM! you cannot chew gum in Singapore it is illegal. Try Dorian fruit, or fish.

Is eating gum in Singapore illegal or legal?

Perfectly legal.

In Singapore what happens if your caught with gum?

Nothing will happen. It is legal to have gum for personal consumption if you buy it from pharmacies. As of now, only gum with therapeutic value is allowed on sale. It is only illegal to import gum into Singapore. The penalty for smuggling gum into Singapore is 1 year in jail, and/or a 10,000 Singapore dollars fine.

Is it true that you have to have a permit in Singapore to chew gum?

You can't even have a permit to chew it, its completely illegal to chew gum