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Q: Why is it important for the person responsible for liability insurance to keep a tickler file of the duties when the premiums are due?
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Can you deduct group insurance premiums on taxes?

Depends on how you paid the premiums. If you paid the premiums on a pretax basis, then you cannot declare the premiums. Many COBRA payments, retiree insurance payments and so on can be deducted.

Is buy sell agreement disability income insurance premiums tax deductible?

No. Also, it is probably not a good idea to try and deduct the premiums for diability or life insurance because if you deduct the premiums or if the employer pays the premiums then any benefits are then taxable. You certainly would not want to have to pay income tax on a large life insurance benefit just because you wanted to deduct a few hundred dollars of insurance premiums.

Can you deduct life insurance premiums on taxes?


Can an s-corporation shareholder deduct life insurance premiums?

Assuming the purpose of the insurance is for a buyout or keyperson, the answer is no.

Can you deduct long term disability insurance premiums on taxes?

No, you cannot deduct premiums paid on disability insurance policies. Two scenarios, first if your employers pays the premiums you would receive the disbursements as taxable income. If you pay your own premiums, then you would receive the disbursements tax free. Either way, you cannot deduct on your individual income tax the premiums paid. Think about it! If your employer paid the premiums, there was no expense to you, hence no deduction!. If you paid the premiums, you do have an expense BUT you are receiving the disbursements tax free and therefore could not take a deduction!

Related questions

Can a nursing home owner seek reimbursement from medicare for insurance premiums paid for laibility insurance?

No, Medicare does not reimburse liability insurance premiums.

Can your insurance premiums be raised in a tort liability system if you are not at fault?

Doubt it. Contact policy services for your company, or your states dept. of insurance.

Will premiums go up if a claim is filed against home owners liability insurance?

You better believe it.

What if your liability insurance could be lowered if you are a student with an average or better.?

Lowering liability insurance based on a student's academic performance could be a beneficial incentive for students to maintain good grades. Insurance companies may view students with higher grades as more responsible and less likely to engage in risky behaviors, leading to fewer insurance claims. This could result in reduced premiums for students with good academic standing.

Can you take out liability insurance per job?

Traditionally, per project general liability policies were reserved for large projects such as tract home and condo developments. Minim premiums on such policies can vary from $50,000 to $250,000. However, there are some new insurance programs out there for smaller contractors with premiums as low as $300 per job.

What are the drawbacks of a Home Owners Association dropping liability insurance?

Without liability insurance, should there be any accident on the property, the association will be liable to pay for defending the claim, and potentially the claim for damages.Often the trade-off between liability insurance premiums and the hourly rate for defense attorneys indicate the it's less expensive to pay the liability insurance premiums.Your governing documents will help you define your requirement as an association insofar as carrying liability insurance is concerned. Usually, carrying it is mandatory.

What are the differences between liability rates between different auto insurance companies?

There are too many differences to answer that question. To many variables that affect premiums.

Is insurance premiums for fire insurance an example of variable cost?

is insurance premiums for fire insurance an example of variable cost?

What happens if your ex wife is still using your health insurance after the divorce and you are not responsible per your agreement for her health insurance?

Contact your insurance company and let them know IMMEDIATELY !!!! Are you paying premiums for her?

Does the cost of life insurance premiums depend on your age?

Yes, the cost of life insurance premiums can depend on your age. Generally, the younger you are when you apply for life insurance, the lower your premiums will be. This is because younger people are considered to be at lower risk of death and thus pose less of a financial liability to the insurance company. Age is one of the factors that insurers use to determine premiums, along with other factors such as your health, lifestyle, and coverage amount.

How can you lower your cost of auto insurance?

There are many ways to lower your auto insurance premiums depending on your lifestyle and your driving record. For starters, it is always important to review your policy renewal for accuracy. Insurance providers will rate your premiums based on your annual mileage, whether or not you commute, the safety features of your vehicle, the zip code where your vehicle is parked, anti-theft devices, and more. If any of these areas are inaccurate, you could significantly reduce your premiums. If all of your information is up to date and your premiums are still high, you will need to review your coverage to lower your premiums. While it is never recommended to reduce liability coverages unless you cannot afford to keep your auto insurance, this is an option and is better than driving without insurance all together. You can also review your comprehensive and collision deductibles. If they are low, you can reduce your premiums by raising your deductibles.

Is there any life insurance that has single digit premiums?

Life insurance premiums vary by policy. There are few that offer single digit premiums.