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Q: Why is it important that 14 16 year olds avoid high intensity weight training?
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Will weight training shoes protect my feet?

Yes, weight training shoes may help protect your feet from harm while working out. It is also important that you start out slowly and gradually increase your weight training. It is also useful to stretch and warm up the body before a heavy work out to avoid injury.

How does weight lifting relate to oseoporosis?

resistance training can improve bone mineral density, which may help someone to avoid getting osteoporosis. or in older populations resistance training may slow down or stop the rate of bone mineral loss, delaying or prolonging the intensity of osteoporosis.

During training, clients with hypertension should avoid which of the following?

Clients with hypertension should avoid activities such as: Weight lifting Sprinting Skydiving Scuba diving

Why should athletes drink sport drinks during vigorous training?

An athlete should drink an energy drink during high intensity training because they need to replenish the glucose in the blood to fuel the bodys demand for energy. Also it is important to stay hydrated during physical activities to be able to perform effectivly and to avoid dehydration

How can one avoid motor bike crashes?

Besides not riding a motor bike the best way to avoid a crash is training and following the rules of the road. It is important to take a certified motor bike training class.

Why should you start with low intensity exercise when building muscular endurance?

It is important to start with low intensity exercises to avoid muscle strain and injury. As stamina and muscles become adapted to exercise, the exercise routine can be increased.

What is the proper recommended exercise regimen for frequency in f.i.t.t.?

it depends on the intensity of your workout and your goals... FITT it just an acronym for basic training guidelines *(frequency, intensity, time and type I believe) these are all factors that one should switch regularly to avoid body adaptation leading to plateaus

How can you maintain a steady weight?

Exercise is the most important part of maintaining a healthy weight. A sensible diet is also very important, avoid fast food and sugary drinks and you'll be half way there!

How to Choose a Weight Training Program?

There are a variety of reasons why a person would begin a weight training program, and it is for a person to choose the best program for them. This can be done by identifying the person’s skill level, goals, and evaluating the training principles.Identify Skill LevelWeight training programs are not usually universally-acceptable, so it is essential for someone beginning a program to determine their experience level. The general levels include beginner, intermediate, and advanced, and one of the most crucial steps in choosing a weight training program is for the participant to know which category they fall under.• Beginner: Someone who is new to weight training or a person who has been weight training for less than six months.• Intermediate: Someone who has had an enjoyable experience with weight training and has made a decent start. Generally they have been training for between six months and a year.• Advanced: Someone who had been training for over 18 months and had gained substantial knowledge and physical growth.Identify GoalsBefore beginning any weight training program, it is necessary for the participant to determine what they want to get out of the program. Is the person trying to lose weight, maintain their physique, or get fit? They should also determine what they dislike about their body and what they are trying to change. By determining what goals the participant is hoping to achieve, they can get a better idea of what kind of program to start.A program that specializes in gaining muscle may be decidedly different from one that works at developing muscle gain from fat loss. That is why specificity is essential when choosing a weight training program. If a person wants to increase their strength, his program should be designed around that goal. If a person wants to lose weight, then they should choose a program that targets a variety of different muscle fibers.Look at Weight Training PrinciplesIt is vital for a person to understand how much weight they will be using, the number of sets and reps required within a program, and what to look for in terms of progression when choosing a weight training program. To avoid adaptation, the intensity of a weight training workout needs to be increased gradually and regularly. This can be done with increasing the amount of weight lifted, changing the number of reps completed, or changing the type of resistance that the person uses.

In gcse pe what is sport p?

Principals of training S - Specificity - make training specific to what you're trying to achieve P - Progression - make training gradual to avoid injury O - Overload - FITT (frequency, intensity type and time of training - work too hard to get better) R - Reversibility - lack of training makes your muscles weaker T - Tedium - boredom P - Periodisation - athlete peak occurs at the correct time

What are some good exercise programs for women?

In order to avoid becoming muscular, stay away from strength training exercises such as weight lifting. Stick with aerobics such as swimming, running and sports and you will lose weight but still keep the feminine shape.

Why is it important to do muscular endurance execise exactly right?

It important to do muscular endurance exercise exactly right to avoid strain and injury to your muscles. Start slowly and, over a period of weeks, build up endurance and stamina until you are able to increase the intensity or length of exercises.