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Q: Why is it important that a cell membrane does not allow all dissolved substances to diffuse freely through it?
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Which substances did not diffuse the membrane?

starch doesnt diffuse through the dialysis membrane.

What substance will diffuse through a membrane?

The three substances that can diffuse through a cell membrane are CO2, O2, AND H2O.

What substances easily diffuse a class of cell membrane?


What part allows only certain subsTances to diffuse into and out of the cell?

The cell part that allows only certain substances to diffuse into and out of the cell is called the semi permeable membrane. This allows good substances to enter the cell.

Can oxygen diffuse across a cell membrane?

Yes, how else would our cells obtain oxygen?

What type of substances pass through the membrane by facilitated diffusion?

soluble materials which can diffuse passively .

What cell part allows only certain substances to difuse into and out of the cell?

The cell's membrane allows only certain substances to diffuse in and out of the cell.

What are 2 substances that diffuse freely across a cell membrane?

CO2, H2O, and O2 can all diffuse across a cell membrane. Also, small polar molecules (uncharged) and hydrocarbons easily diffuse across.

What substances diffuse into and what diffusen out of cells?

The substances flow from high concentration to low concentration through channels found in the cell membrane. Basically like a bridge.

What characteristics is more likely to make a substance diffuse through the cell membrane?

Size. Actually very few substances are able to diffuse across the menbrane, most must be transported ie facilitated diffusion, active transport, or receptor-mediated endocytosis. Carbon dioxide, oxygen, water, and some lipid substances are able to diffuse across the membrane

What lets substances like food and oxygen diffuse into body cells?

The semi-permeable membrane in cells. Allows some substances to go through and not others.

What two important gases diffuse across the respiratory membrane?

oxygen and carbon dioxide