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because they have to know the scientific method and everything about science!

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Q: Why is it important that that a scientist be both logical and creative?
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Is a teacher as important as a scientist?

A scientist may be a teacher as well. Both are mostly important.

Are the best programmers left-brain or right-brain individuals?

The very best programmers are both creative and logical, using both sides of the brain to accomplish their tasks.

What identifies both the logical host and the logical network addresses?

The IP protocol identifies both the logical host as well as the logical network addresses...........

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when one scientist tells another scientist that something is certain length, that measurement should mean the some thing to both of them.

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It depends on personal strengths and weaknesses. Maths is more logical and English is more abstract or creative. However, you need to be strong in both to successfully navigate a career. Keep your skills up and seek help if you must, but pay attention to both.

What region of the brain do highly intelligent people use?

Highly intelligent people are very logical and creative. Hence, most of the highly intelligent people use both parts of their brain. For instance, Albert Einstein was very logical to give the thesis on photoelectric effect. Simultaneously, he was also very imaginary and creative, as he gave the theory of relativity and played on the violin. Nuclear scientist of India Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam also plays on the veena and writes poems. There are various ways of using both parts of the brains. Imagining, learning music, writing stories and poems increase the power of the right hemisphere of the brain and solving puzzles, playing chess, working on mathematical problems increases the power of the left mind.

Is Albert Einstein a scientist or a mathematician?

He was both a scientist and a mathematician

Is ahimsa the logical conclusion to both Hindu devotional and Hindu ascetic practices?

no, in Hinduism ahimsa was important in society. But in fields of war ahimsa was never applied.

What is the best science fair project to do?

One that is interesting to you and can be tested. It is important to get both quantitative and qualitative data. Also the proects that win are original and creative.

Which address is more important the physical address or the logical address?

In the 8086/8088 the physical address and logical address have the same importance, because they both relate to the address of the operand. It is true that the offset (logical) address is added to the segment address to determine the physical address, but the limitations of the architecture of the processor forces programmers to consider both.If you are talking about a virtual environment, however, such as in the 80286 or higher, then the logical address is more important than the physical address, because the logical address is the address of the operand, while the physical address is (somewhat) arbitrarily assigned by the operating system.

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What is the logical appeal that humans are mammals?

because they both breathe