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Q: Why is it important that the president wear the right leadership hat at the right time?
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During the time Abraham Lincoln was president, the Civil War was happening.

Do you have to spend time in the military to become president?

No, unfortunately. Many would have improved with the experience of Boot Camp and leadership training.

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In the US, women had the theoretical right to run for President from the time they got the right to vote in Federal Elections, around 1923.

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No, there was no President then. George Washington, our first President, became President right after the American Revolution

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Is this statement true Presidential greatness to a large extent is determined as the president being in the right place at the right time?

Yes that is true to some extent. But what es even more important is to have the press behind you and the ability to pay for it.

Should the president represent the American peopleor lead them?

The president should do both. As a representative, the president should be a voice for the American people, listening to their concerns and advocating for their interests. At the same time, the president should also provide leadership by setting goals, making decisions, and guiding the country towards progress and national unity. Balancing representation and leadership is essential for an effective presidency.

Why do we have elections?

We have elections because its time for the people To vote in a new or old president, mayor, and even more

Why Barack Obama is a effective leader?

This question is difficult to answer in that assessing the leadership of any US President, especially in an extremely complex world which has existed for quite a long time, is almost impossible to measure in an unbiased fashion.Detractors of the leadership qualities of President Obama can point to many of his failures in his leadership.At the same time supporters of President Obama have a different view of his leadership qualities.Historically, any unbiased opinions on this question falls into the category of "only history will tell" category.With that said, it's clear that in only looking back, can an unbiased and intelligent discussion take place.

Why was Andrew Jackson important as a president?

Andrew Jackson was such an important because be brought government to the people and he knew how to have a good time.

How did Martin Luther Ki important?

he changed the laws at that time and was president fo his honesty.

When was the last time the right of habeas corpus was taken away?

In 2006 by president Bush