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to maintain blood flow and pressure

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Q: Why is it important that the veins contain valves?
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Why is it important for veins to contain valves?

Veins have valves so the blood dosent backflow

Why are important that the veins contain valves?

So that the blood dosen't flow the wrong way

Why is important that veins contain valves?

Valves cause our blood to flow in one direction, thus preventing regurgitation of blood.

Which vein in the human body does not contain valves?

all veins contain valves

What blood vessels contain valves and why?

Only veins contain valves. The valves prevent the backward flow of blood.

Which blood vessel have thin walls and contain valves?


Name blood vessels that contain valves?

Valves are in the veins.

What prevents blood from flowing in veins?

veins contain valves that prevents blood flowing backwards between heartbeats.There are valves in the veins that stop the blood from flowing backwards.

Name one artery that contain valves?

veins have valves. y

Arteries contain valves that do what?

No arteries do not contain valves since there is enough pressure from the heart to force blood through these vessels without significant backflow between contractions.

What type of veins contain valves?

In the large veins. Because in the large veins the blood must fight the gravity, the blood is flowing up, there are valves in them to prevent the blood to fall down again.

Do the larger arteries contain valves to prevent the back flow of blood?

No, veins have the valves, arteries don't.