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By treaty, a native of any European Union country can live and work in any other. Many Britons live and work abroad.

If there is a shortage of people to fill skilled jobs, the people from outside the EU can get a work visa.

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3y ago
too many of them are openly exploiting gb what is Brexit for I know not
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Lvl 1
3y ago
the trouble is the men come here the ther partners and kids and the rest of there family so a boat load of men can turn into 100 people who takes care of them what are they giving to this country
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14y ago

All self-respecting, civilized countries have traditionally accepted some refugees.

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Q: Why might asylum seekers be allowed to do in Britain?
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People looking for a place that they can go to escape the oppression they are under. For example, someone in Cuba who is being persecuted (put in jail, local police are beating him, etc.) for speaking out against the Government might go to the USA to escape the conditions of their homeland. When a person is seeking asylum they are seeking refuge, sanctuary or a place they can be safe and secure.

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Why is England getting over-run by foreigners?

Yes! In 20 years time England might not even be called England anymore ! :( There is a huge feeling that Britain is under threat of becoming broke by asylum seekers, refugees and migration from Eastern Europeans coming here particularly to claim benefits and hand-outs. This is draining the Country dry and causing damage to the economy. It is also stopping British claimants from claiming when in need because of the Government cut-backs on genuine claims. Huge bonuses still go to the wealthy in society even when they are making loses. There is a two tier society in Britain today under the Conservative Government. One rule for them and another rule for the poor.

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Because they're silly thrill seekers who don't realize what damage they might do and what trouble they can get into.

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yes!They are allowed on hotmail. When i was sevan i was allowed hotmail. But you might not be allowed too.

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There are various reasons that Britain's citizens might immigrate to the US. For example, they might move there to marry an American they met on the internet.

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Batman arkham asylum 2 might be rated M because it said it was a lot dark. Like if you herd Oracal talking to you and then a door opens and some one shot Oracal and the line went out. But I think it will be rated T

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What is Batman arkham asylum 2 rated?

Batman arkham asylum 2 might be rated M because it said it was a lot dark. Like if you herd Oracal talking to you and then a door opens and some one shot Oracal and the line went out. But I think it will be rated T