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Q: Why is it important to ensure that the potted plant is destarched?
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What is a potted fern?

A fern (the type of plant) in a plant pot.

How do you destarch the leaves of a potted plant?

you boil the leaf and then put it in 3cm cube of petroleum ether and then you put the leaf in a petri dish full of starch

How can you show transpiration in a potted plant?

Transpiration can be shown by different methods e.g. by using CoCl paper and by enclosing potted plant in a bell jar.

When you add plant food to your potted geraniums you are actually providing the plant with what?


How plant is destarching?

A plant is destarched by placing a leaf under investigation in boiling water to get rid of all the excess starch. Then place into boiling ethanol to get rid of excess chlorophyll

Related questions

Potted plant loves sun?

It depends on the species of plant in the pot. All potted plants will need light but some are shade loving and will not grow well if placed in direct sunlight. Have a look at the instructions that came with the potted plant or ask at your local garden center or plant supplier. It is also important not to over water a potted plant.

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When salt is scaterred on the soil of a potted plant why does it die?

when salt is scattered on the soil of a potted plant why does it die

MLN How do you get a potted plant?

On Flora's page, you trade 2 worker bees for the blueprint to make the potted plant.

How do you put a red flower in a mason jar on your Lego network to make a potted plant?

you get the potted plant blueprint

What is a potted fern?

A fern (the type of plant) in a plant pot.

Who in mln has a potted plant module?


How can you show transpiration in a potted plant?

Transpiration can be shown by different methods e.g. by using CoCl paper and by enclosing potted plant in a bell jar.

If you scatter salt on a potted plant the plant may shrivel up and sie why?

dont you know if we scatter salt on a potted plant the plant will shrivel up and die because it will become a concentrated solution ....................... ............... ....... ... . . .

How do you destarch the leaves of a potted plant?

you boil the leaf and then put it in 3cm cube of petroleum ether and then you put the leaf in a petri dish full of starch

When you add plant food to your potted geraniums you are actually providing the plant with what?


Is a potted plant organic or inorganic?

plants are organic