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Q: Why is it important to remain alert to the presence of hazards?
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Why is it important to remain alert to the presence of hazards when dealing with machinery equipment?

It is important to remain alert to the presence of hazards, because a hazard is something with potential to cause harm. If you are aware of your surroundings, you minimize the chances of hurting yourself.

Why is it important to remain alert to the presence of hazards in the workplace?

If you are not alert to the presence of hazards in the workplace, then you are more likely to be impacted by then (i.e to be injured). The idea is that you do not want to be hurt, so you watch out for things or situations that might hurt you.

What is the importance of remaining alert to the presence of hazards within the workplace in a beauty salon?

It is important to remain alert to hazards because any absent mindedness might lead to a dangerous accident. A beauty salon employee needs to always be careful in order to avoid harm to employees or clients.

How does personal presentation and behaviour help you to remain alert to hazards in the workplace?

It doesn't

Why should an employer remain alert to hazards in the workplace?

An employer should always be alert to anything that might harm the employees, so that they will remain safe and healthy.

Why do you think its good to be alert to the presence of hazards within the work place?

It is so important to remain alert not only for your own safety but others too. There are some things in life that are unexpected like a fire that might be in your work space that even a small fire and noticing the location of fire extinguishers can be life saving point.

Constantly be alert to potential?

When driving, constantly be alert to potential hazards.

Symbols in a lab procedure alert you to _____.?

Symbols are used in lab procedures and in other kinds of instructions to alert you to important information or to the potential for hazards if procedures are not carefully followed.

Symbols in a lab procedure alert you to .?

Symbols are used in lab procedures and in other kinds of instructions to alert you to important information or to the potential for hazards if procedures are not carefully followed.

Why is it important to remain alert when working with animals?

So It dosent maul your face off in your sleep..

What are the emergency notification signals' conditions and the required individual actions?

Disaster warning - be alert; warn all personnel; take cover, evacuate to a safe location, or shelter in-place Attack warning - be alert; warn all personnel; implement security measures; take cover, evacuate to a safe location, or shelter in-place All clear - remain alert for secondary hazards; account for all personnel; report fires, injuries, and hazards

In driving Follow the four r's when?

Follow the four R's of driving: Read the road ahead, React to potential hazards, Reduce your speed when needed, and Remain focused and alert at all times.