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There are people who will waste your time if you lose control of the conversation, and then you will not get much business done.

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so they understand what our saying

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Q: Why is it important to speak clearly on the telephone to customers?
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Why is enunciation important when speaking?

It is important that you speak clearly and distinctly, it represents good manners and improves communication

To not speak clearly?

To mumble refers to the inability not to speak clearly.

Why is it important to speak English in business lecture?

the main language of the world is english and most of your customers may or may NOT speak english

When delivering a message it is important to?

Speak clearly and with enough volume so you're heard by everyone in the audience.

Why do chemists never use their landlines during the day?

I think you are mistaken, a chemist (that is a chemists shop or pharmacy) will use its landlines (telephone) during the day to speak to customers.

Why are communication skills important in retail?

It helps the company you are working for from losing customers. In other words, if you can speak professionally to the customers, they are likely to return to your store for continued business.

What is proper etiquette for telephone conversation?

Answer the telephone no later than the second ring. Identify yourself in a friendly tone. Use the caller's name. Gather as much information as possible. Do not interrupt the caller. Give accurate information.

How can you clearly speak Shakespeare's works?

open your mouth really WIDE so that you speak really clearly :)

How can you speak English clearly?

I will speak in english better

Is necessary to speak loudly enough to be heard clearly?

Yes, it is important to speak loudly enough to be heard clearly by others. Proper projection and volume are essential for effective communication, especially in group settings or noisy environments. Speaking clearly and audibly can help ensure that your message is understood and received accurately.

How do you talk on a telephone?

you speak into it

What is an anyonym of 'speak clearly'?

Mumble or slurred speech could be considered antonyms of "speak clearly."