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The cardiac muscle is incapable of reacting to any stimulus before approximately in the middle of phase 3. It will not react to a normal cardiac stimulus before phase 4.

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Chad Rath

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1y ago
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Q: Why is it only possible to induce an extrasystole during relaxation period?
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Is it possible to induce extrasystole yes or no?

yes. during diastole (resting phase)

During which portion of the cardiac cycle is it possible to induce extra systole?

Extrasystole is an extra ventricular systole that happens during the begging of relaxation (repolarization). Since the cardiac is able to depolarize only after repolarization, any stimulus upon the repolarization period created an increased ventricular contraction or which is also called extrasystole but not a new contraction.

Why is it only possible to induce an extrasystole during relaxation?

The cardiac muscle is incapable of reacting to any stimulus before approximately in the middle of phase 3. It will not react to a normal cardiac stimulus before phase 4.

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