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They can live there because of adaptations, such as thick fur, abilities to find food, etc.

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Q: Why is it possible for so many animals to live in the polar ecosystem?
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What makes it possible for any animals to live in the polar ice ecosystem?

Evolutionary adaptions.

What other animals live in the grizzly bears ecosystem?

Some other animal species that live with Polar bears are:WolvesSealsHareWalrusHumansetc.

What is ecosystem is ecosystem?

its the habitat were animals live

What do animals do in an ecosystem?

live there

What is the difference between Eco-systems and environments?

=Ecosystem is the habitat the animal lives in and the enviroment is the surroundings of where the animals live in....==Ecosystem is the habitat the animal lives in and the enviroment is the surroundings of where the animals live in....==Ecosystem is the habitat the animal lives in and the enviroment is the surroundings of where the animals live in....=

Does the blue oak live in the polar ecosystem?

Type your answer here... no

Why is a desert an ecosystem?

An ecosystem is a place where plants and animals ( maybe humans ) live and animals and plants live in the desert so … 

Is the world an ecosystom?

No the world is not an ecosystem. An ecosystem is where animals live in a habitat

Could you show me the images of animals that live in the polar region?

Depends which polar region you are interested in. Different types of animals live in the two polar regions. Polar bears, e.g., live only in the northern polar regions, whilst penguins live only in the southern polar regions. Some animals, e.g. seals, live in both regions.

6 animals that live in the polar region?

polar bear

What ecosystem does the white-tailed deer live in?

The main ecosystem the white tail deer live is the forest ecosystem. Over populations can have harmful effects on shrub and plant life in the the ecosystem.