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  • It is always good to stand against negative peer pressure. It makes you an individual; you know right from wrong; are loyal; honest and you are willing to change some things in your life and built on your character which shows you are mature and selective as to whom you choose as friends. To belong to a group of misfits because they may come from wealthy families (not all young people who come from wealthy parents are a bad influence) or a general group that is cruel to others is obviously not your type of friends so you would never face the problem of trying to change the good in yourself in order to fit in with such misfits. By learning this when younger and in school you will be able to handle peer pressure that sometimes comes in the workplace.
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Q: Why is it sometimes a good thing to take a stand against negative peer pressure?
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How can you deal with negative peer pressure?

be in control of your self and stand up for your self say no or walk away and make new freinds

What does STOP stand for in negative peer pressure?

Stop isn't an acronym in peer pressure, but it is another word for no, which is what is suggested to say when being influenced to do something you don't want to do - Which, in case you didn't know, is the definition for peer pressure.

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Just be yourself, know the truth and don't be attached to the others opnions

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I don't think courage is "to win against fear", because sometimes the courageous don't win. I'd say it's more like "to stand against fear".

What is it when you stand up for your own rights in a positive way to peer pressure?

Some of the greatest people in history stood against many that disagreed with them or, if someone fights for the rights for a cause; race of people, etc., by taking the risk of standing strong on well planted feet facing possible outcry's or even at times physical harm or threats. It is a great feeling if an individual knows something is very wrong and peer pressure prevents most of the others from doing anything while the one person stands strong no matter what the outcome is. One should choose their cause very carefully because sometimes the price is a high one to pay, but a strong individual will always know right from wrong and stand up for those values. If lucky, that one person standing against vast odds of their peers may turn things around for the good and that is why individuals should have the fortitude to stand up against negative peer pressure. A good example is Martin Luther King.

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The duration of Stand Against Fear is 2 hours.